Another BlackBerry Slider 9800 leak, this time with video

09 May, 2010

One of the worst kept secrets in the mobile world, the BlackBerry Slider 9800, just made another public appearance. This time it stars in a short video in all its BlackBerry OS 6 might.

The 14-second video clip doesn’t give much new information about the device specifications so it still remains pretty much all guesswork there. The touchscreen-enabled slider will come with a trackpad and according to the label on its back will be the next member of the Bold family.

Rumor also has it that there will be a 5 megapixel camera with Liquid lens technology (whatever that is) on board.

With leaks intensifying so much recently, we suspect that the BlackBerry Slider 9800 official announcement can’t be far away now. Availability though is expected in Q3 at the earliest. Source

Reader comments

  • C1
  • 11 May 2010
  • 0F1

Same design different method. From a scale of 1-10. RIM gets a 1.

  • jobbo
  • 10 May 2010
  • 0Rq

Looks like an enormous Palm Pre

  • Anonymous
  • 10 May 2010
  • 5KK


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