Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max

Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max

User opinions and reviews

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  • 19 Apr 2024

KennyYun, 18 Apr 2024feel solid,very good speaker and undoubtedly a high perform... moresolid like android professional. thats great and valueable.

    • A
    • Anonymous
    • n9b
    • 18 Apr 2024

    KennyYun, 18 Apr 2024feel solid,very good speaker and undoubtedly a high perform... moreThe brightness is becoming dimmer because your phone is overheating. And your comparison with consoles is absurd. Let me guess you think clash of clans rivals any popular ps5 game? XD

      • K
      • KennyYun
      • K1F
      • 18 Apr 2024

      feel solid,very good speaker and undoubtedly a high performance mobile phone even for console gaming.the only thing annoyed me is the brightness automaticly went to dimm without any reason even auto brightness is off.The brightness level show full brightness,but the actual brightness is very low especially when playing games.

        • S
        • Shadab
        • PZF
        • 17 Apr 2024

        Can it run Angry birds?

          • b
          • borchudong kuiteyoyo
          • Bn5
          • 17 Apr 2024

          Anonymous, 16 Apr 2024If that's your attempt at being funny, you failed miserably.failing miserably is only on you. others can use android on iphone 15 pro max. thank you

            • P
            • Pru choi kuidong lap
            • D6e
            • 17 Apr 2024

            Anonymous, 16 Apr 2024If that's your attempt at being funny, you failed miserably.not failed. but always successfully and great with android system. can fetch with ios. so perfect.

              • A
              • Anonymous
              • n9b
              • 16 Apr 2024

              miszaiela bt ismail, 16 Apr 2024means install apk in ios system. android so perfect. come a... moreIf that's your attempt at being funny, you failed miserably.

                • m
                • miszaiela bt ismail
                • iJp
                • 16 Apr 2024

                Anonymous, 16 Apr 2024What is "android professional processing apps"? W... moremeans install apk in ios system. android so perfect. come and couple.

                  • A
                  • Anonymous
                  • pdw
                  • 16 Apr 2024

                  miszaiela bt ismail, 16 Apr 2024why my new iphone 15 pro max use android professional proce... moreWhat is "android professional processing apps"? What kind of apps are these?

                    • m
                    • miszaiela bt ismail
                    • 8qq
                    • 16 Apr 2024

                    IQ200, 14 Apr 2024This is why I will never EVER register my account here. Bec... morewhy my new iphone 15 pro max use android professional processing apps? android so powerful.
                    let couple with me.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • tVt
                      • 15 Apr 2024

                      IQ200, 14 Apr 2024This is why I will never EVER register my account here. Bec... morewhat r u saying lol

                        • I
                        • IQ200
                        • Lec
                        • 14 Apr 2024

                        JSK888, 10 Apr 2024Outside of your mind, nobody remembers that you exist. Some... moreThis is why I will never EVER register my account here. Because of this comment of yours which is against any policy, but hey.. nobody reported you so it's fine. Is it?

                        IS IT?


                        Because you have registred account you can call people how ever you want just to prove how much YOU LOVE A PHONE BRAND.

                        All this because of that?




                          Anton .el PAPI., 05 Apr 2024Outside of China, no one remembers that Huawei existsYou do. I do. Most people do. They just don't buy their products for obvious reasons.

                            • A
                            • Anonymous Cow
                            • DxV
                            • 13 Apr 2024

                            If the model of your iPhone 15 Pro Max has a 1 Card slot (A3106 International) is it possible to use 2 eSIM simultaneously at the same time if I will not put a sim card on its sim tray? Because as far as I know only USA versions can do 2 eSIM simultaneously if I’m not mistaken? Please respect comment and correct me if I’m wrong. Your response will be highly appreciated.

                              • m
                              • miszaiela bt ismail
                              • m4i
                              • 13 Apr 2024

                              GD 2.21 PinwhEel, 10 Apr 2024Let's hope a18 pro will have 8 or 10 core processer ju... moretheir core like android professional chip in processing. let couple with me.

                                Anton .el PAPI., 10 Apr 2024Stop the drugs that are already affecting your mindNo, I will not stop taking drugs. Because I love it.👍

                                  JSK888, 10 Apr 2024Outside of your mind, nobody remembers that you exist. Some... moreStop the drugs that are already affecting your mind

                                    Anton .el PAPI., 05 Apr 2024Outside of China, no one remembers that Huawei existsOutside of your mind, nobody remembers that you exist. Somehow, I, myself know even you mother don't remember you even she is your biological mother.

                                      • A
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • pdw
                                      • 10 Apr 2024

                                      GD 2.21 PinwhEel, 10 Apr 2024Let's hope a18 pro will have 8 or 10 core processer ju... moreWhy do you need it anyway? To open snapchat, Instagram you don't need many cores on cpu.

                                        • A
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • pdw
                                        • 10 Apr 2024

                                        Anton .el PAPI., 08 Apr 2024Stop living in the past!! and forget that huawei returns to... moreSadly most it geeks need to live in the past because new phones are not worth lol