Apple iPhone X

Apple iPhone X

User opinions and reviews

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  • G
  • Glen
  • uuY
  • 12 Sep 2017

USer, 12 Sep 2017They keep copy SamsungYet it's wider than an S8. And apple used to make fun of others saying that android phones are too big for one handed use. Of course they hated phablets and then released plus sized iphones.

And they made stylus for ipads. Jobs hated them xD

    • w
    • watabummer
    • 4PG
    • 12 Sep 2017

    AnonD-546724, 12 Sep 2017So the iPhone 8 is a 2014 Phone with some minor improvement... moresame feelings here

    2014 chasis with lesser bessel+oled screen+wireless charging+slightly improved cam

    to my eyes, this iphone is looking not as good as many androids out there. the only thing that keeps this phone from android is the software experience.

      • C
      • CPR
      • jGg
      • 12 Sep 2017

      Will Model A1865 (Verizon) be factory unlocked to all carriers?

        • w
        • watabummer
        • 4PG
        • 12 Sep 2017

        If it has such great graphics why didnt they go with QHD screen? I guess they will go QHD only when iphone is ready for VR

        What is so much in this one to demand additional $300 over 8?

          • D
          • AnonD-546724
          • pd{
          • 12 Sep 2017

          So the iPhone 8 is a 2014 Phone with some minor improvement.

          But the X, it's the 2014 chassis without the bezels and the home button.

          Apple claim that it's new, but you don't create anything new just by removing old stuff.

            • S
            • Stranger
            • Y2t
            • 12 Sep 2017

            AnonD-126380, 12 Sep 2017This the best smart phone ever with the best and most secure iOS With the most outrageous price ever. If you guys will still buy this phone at over $1,000 then you guys really have your life priorities messed up.

              • D
              • AnonD-653629
              • nvy
              • 12 Sep 2017

              No fingerprint in screen? Sad...

                • D
                • AnonD-625064
                • Njx
                • 12 Sep 2017

                Galaxy S8 (Apple Edition)

                  • D
                  • AnonD-292864
                  • gCx
                  • 12 Sep 2017

                  AnonD-699788, 12 Sep 2017The third really great iPhone after the original and the iP... moreThat is the ugliest phone ever made.

                    • t
                    • teaserface
                    • 4PG
                    • 12 Sep 2017

                    I bet if Steve was around, he never would have approved that ugly cam band on top of the screen.

                      • D
                      • AnonD-347782
                      • mKX
                      • 12 Sep 2017

                      When i first saw the look i just thought it was fan made but when i actually found out it was official i was so disappointed
                      I'm against the bezel less phones especially when they come out looking as bad as this

                        • J
                        • JayJay
                        • 4PG
                        • 12 Sep 2017

                        So unlike Apple

                        USB C port
                        Qi Wireless Charging
                        "Super" AMOLED

                        What is going on?

                          • A
                          • Ali Pajoohan
                          • a3}
                          • 12 Sep 2017

                          I can buy Android Phone Nokia8 with better features and cheaper price.

                            • l
                            • logan
                            • gM$
                            • 12 Sep 2017

                            AnonD-126380, 12 Sep 2017This the best smart phone ever with the best and most secure iOS True

                              • L
                              • LUSer
                              • s01
                              • 12 Sep 2017

                              USer, 12 Sep 2017They keep copy SamsungAnd why are others first? Samsung and Xiaomi don't have bigger or equal screen, quality of faceID is better than Samsung... U keep making everything better than Apple but in the end u run buying it

                                • R
                                • Ricky ponting
                                • X}$
                                • 12 Sep 2017

                                Its a huge disappointment just cam design changed horizontal to verticl and face id is good but still shape should b changed a little. Like thre is no differnece in iph 7 and 8 plus.
                                But ovr all its a good ph but like whatppl expecting

                                  • d
                                  • dex
                                  • 4XS
                                  • 12 Sep 2017

                                  Other than there being a bigger screen and camera cluster set different i cant see how this is a different iphone from the one previous or even the other new iphone models. Iphone 7 was that good and ahead of the competition i guess..all Apple needed to do was a few minor cosmetic changes. Yes I know here's a new, "more powerful" chipset and all but quite sure the user wont notice the difference.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-148873
                                    • 39x
                                    • 12 Sep 2017

                                    AnonD-126380, 12 Sep 2017This the best smart phone ever with the best and most secure iOS iPhone X
                                    brought to you by Samsung.

                                      • U
                                      • USer
                                      • 9y6
                                      • 12 Sep 2017

                                      AnonD-126380, 12 Sep 2017This the best smart phone ever with the best and most secure iOS They keep copy Samsung

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-107876
                                        • PA7
                                        • 12 Sep 2017

                                        mi Mix 2?