Apple will use lighter and better molded glass for 16 Pro telephoto

Apple will turn to molded glass lenses for the 2024 Pro models' telephoto cameras. According to a supply chain report, Largan will exclusively cover the needs of next year's telephoto lenses.

Molded glass lenses are thinner and lighter than traditional ground glass at the same magnification distance. That means that the 120mm zoom lens of the 15 Pro Max can be incorporated into the smaller iPhone 16 Pro in 2024, bringing it on par with the 16 Pro Max.

Due to the molded glass lenses' inherent complexity, Apple is already prepping for next year's iPhone Pro models. Reports suggest that the company is practically hogging the supply chain with orders.


Reader comments

But you never mentioned in your post regarding chargers or earbuds.

2 seconds, seemingly. Definitely less than years.

  • Anonymous

Am talking about features not chargers and earbuds. Read and understand. Those are related to EU and their E waste stuffs.