Best Apps and Games of the Week

Prasad, 12 September 2016

It’s mostly just games this week. Enjoy.


Hash is a news app that collates tweets from the popular topics and presents them in a beautiful interface. You will see all the current hot topics on the main page and clicking a topic will present relevant tweets from major news outlets and important accounts on the subject. Good way to keep in touch with all the news on Twitter without even having a Twitter account.



Rubek is a puzzle game. Your objective is to pick up colors as you move along a narrow path to the goal and then match the colored side of the cube with the pattern on the path. You have to figure out the right moves to make to make sure the colors align otherwise you cannot progress.


Disco Dave

In Disco Dave, you have to make the character jump and land on a colored tile. If you land on the color that is currently highlighted you get points but you can also land on any of the other tiles. You must, however, avoid the gray tiles or else it’s game over.



Isoland is an environmental puzzle game where you have to collect clues from observing the environment and pick up items to solve the puzzles to move on to the next area in the game. The visuals have a hand drawn look to them and the entire game has a creepy vibe as you investigate a mystery on the island.


Sushi Go

Sushi Go is a mobile version of an actual cards game. You can either play alone with up to four other virtual opponents or with your friends online. The game involves collecting sushi, each of which has different points and rules. Each player takes a sushi that works best with the ones they have and can’t see what others have picked until the round is over. Each game has three rounds and the one with the most points in the end wins. The game features beautiful artwork and animation, especially for the sushi and overall an extremely polished product. If you want a game that you can play with your friends whether you are in the same room or apart, this is it.


Vertigo Racing

Vertigo Racing is like an endless runner, but with a car. You drive around a narrow path and the only controls at your disposal are acceleration and brakes. The car turns on its own. Your objective is to go as far as possible without either running out of fuel, hitting and destroying your car on the rocks at the side of the road, or going completely off the track and falling over. The game features multiple tracks and vehicles, each of which handle differently. You can also customize and upgrade your weapons.



Reader comments

  • den
  • 01 Oct 2016
  • K3e

I will try some of those

  • AnonD-584301
  • 13 Sep 2016
  • w4f

Nice list !

  • AnonD-278523
  • 12 Sep 2016
  • X$R

boring one this week

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