Bird S788
- S
- S Sangma
- 7kn
- 27 Jan 2025
It's been exactly 20 years that I bought this phone. I just remember because I had some wonderful & memorable moments with this handset. Emotional indeed.
- b
- brokensoul
- v0X
- 04 Jul 2008
hi please post your answer or suggestion about the problem that kenneth encounter, i have the same sort of problem here.
Post your suggestion so or and it can helps other too. not that....
- k
- kenneth
- vx3
- 20 Jun 2008
i both this phones last first i dont have any problem at all..yes i really enjoyed using this phone but later on..i am suffering because i really cant get a call and recieve as well..what will i do? now i did not anymore using this phone..can you help me?
- j
- just me
- n}y
- 14 Apr 2006
I bought this phone 1 year and 4 months ago.I am very pleased of it and i never had any problems with it(just once,but it was solved quickly,without the opinion of a specialist). Don't be afraid to buy it!=)
- r
- raghav
- U2i
- 25 Jan 2006
I bought this phone in june 04 and it has been 1.5 years i've been using it exhaustively. There was 1 software reinstallation after 4 months of purchase but since then its going smooth.
Bird rocks
- N
- Nalucha Mayamba
- jy0
- 11 Jan 2006
Iam zambian After using this phone for eight months one day it just stoped seding and receiving calls and all the contact numbers in the phone book were wiped out. when you call once the receipient answers it will cut when sending it goes off with a messege searching..... This is stealling from people . do we have inspectors on quality control in the phone industry? dont buy this phone its a toy though its out look deceives
- t
- tunji rapheal
- Ttf
- 05 Oct 2005
i bought this phone. i didnt use it more than 3 months when the memory wiped of , i could not make call s neither could i recieve calls.i only could ercieve text messages on it, although sometimes i wont be able to view my texts. i have mailed the company , but unfortunately i havent heard any thing from them.
- K
- Kateihwa Graham
- MpQ
- 26 Aug 2005
I am living in Uganda.I bought this phone,used it for three weeks and after that,I cant call,I cant receive calls,I can only send and receive Text messages and may be call 112.What is the problem with it??????????Every time I try to call,the phone goes off and on immediately.Any help?????
- A
- Anthony Coffie
- 4hH
- 21 Jul 2005
what is wrong when you receive calls but does not bellout and also whem swich on the word corruption shows on the screen?
- n
- nisar
- PxK
- 12 Jun 2005
i have not powertools of sim shortcut in my s288 model. let me know where it is
- K
- Kausar
- PF3
- 09 May 2005
Please let me know how to download the ringtones in this phone plus what is the price of it in Indian currency...
- N
- Nalucha mayamba
- jy0
- 18 Apr 2005
The phone is lovely i like the melody ringer tones. the only problem is that the phone has very limited functions e.g you cant receive graphics, you ant sent ringer tones to someone,it has no composer, you can't rename a network signal if its not one of those known in the phone system
- k
- khan
- PVt
- 02 Apr 2005
Bird manufacturers please pay attention to what people are mentioning in their comments, and make available ringtones, phone software etc. for this mobile. Will really appreciate the effort.
- h
- heong
- 28 Mar 2005
pls don ever try to buy this phone.the function is very poor and cannot buy or download the ringstone.
- C
- C J
- Ghf
- 18 Feb 2005
I would like to know how and where do i get polyphonic ringtones for this phone.
- w
- waqas
- ijp
- 15 Jan 2005
got to know any free softwares for this cell S788? available on net
- t
- tunde oke
- S7w
- 11 Jan 2005
please dont ever try to buy this phoe i bought mine and itstopped functions exactly 18 days ,he who has ear let him hear.i cant cal i cant receive calls ,only text messages,very fucked.
thank you.
- N
- Namwete Abdallah
- jCV
- 30 Dec 2004
Im reciding in Tanzania, East Africa
I've got 1 of it.
Its nice phone and filling great having it out of various choices I could make.
It could be more pleasure if I can have its accessories like ear phone equiped with Mic in my pack.
Please let me know if its there in the market (but not found in TZ) or strictly you dont make it.
Ive been going thru diff shops looking for it but no one have ever said have/seen it.
Please, let me know.
- s
- steven Machumu
- 27 Dec 2004
I have tried several times to register a new entry in the phonebook but in vain.
whats wrong. It seems that when registering a new person in the phonebook the field is limited with five characters. For example the name John has four characters, this name can easily be registered. But the name Johnson can't. Help me.