BLU Vivo 5
- ?
- Anonymous
- Yax
- 18 Feb 2016
Gold sold out at Best Buy when I added it to my cart. Only silver is left, so I had to go back to Amazon to purchase and wait about two weeks.
- ?
- Anonymous
- qiI
- 17 Feb 2016
Just bought it today...its available on bestbuy or amazon
- A
- AP
- s9S
- 16 Feb 2016
Go to best buy now. This phone is in stock. Good Luck.
- D
- AnonD-501718
- 4kj
- 16 Feb 2016
It's out right now. Just not sure which phone to get this or the honor 5x. The 5.5 720x1280 screen kinda scares me
- D
- AnonD-501315
- rHd
- 16 Feb 2016
Anyone know when this will be on sale? Looks like a great phone.
- M
- Musty
- Nu7
- 15 Feb 2016
when will it be available in my country Nigeria I would love to have it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- rfB
- 08 Feb 2016
I literally just called the company, BLU products, a few minutes ago asking about when they think this phone will be released and the company employee that I talked to said that they have not decided a release date yet. The heads of the company will be meeting together soon to decide on a release date and will announce the date as soon as possible.
- ?
- Anonymous
- LKn
- 08 Feb 2016
Yes blu phones cameras take good pics I have an energy x plus and it is some of the best photos and videos I've seen from a device that isn't an iPhone or some galaxy
- v
- vhh
- jQ1
- 25 Jan 2016
i think this phone only Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n not wifi AC
- d
- desire
- r$K
- 24 Jan 2016
and whether this phone has optical image stabilization
Do Blu phones camera take good pictures, in general?
I have had some bad phones where they claimed it's 5MP, and photo quality turned out to be 3MP
- d
- desire
- r$K
- 24 Jan 2016
i'm curious to see what connectivity this has, honor 5x only has Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n
- J
- Jimmy
- IrS
- 22 Jan 2016
AnonD-474067, 19 Jan 20161st off the 2016 life one X is $149 2nd your full of crap... moreHe was right. Blu Life One X was on sale $99 for the first 3 days, then price was back $149.
- D
- AnonD-458310
- bHY
- 19 Jan 2016
this is the best budget "Flagship" of 2016 hands down.
- D
- AnonD-474067
- scv
- 19 Jan 2016
1st off the 2016 life one X is $149 2nd your full of crap as this phone has a BIGGER HD (hard drive) more ram an is all around better....... your a spammer....... a crappy one at that
- q
- quyvinh
- Y2i
- 15 Jan 2016
Compare with Blu Life One X (2016)
No HD Screen
No LTE band 12 (which is very important if you are T-Mo) and 17
3GB Ram
Little bigger battery
Screen size little bigger
For me, Life One X 2016 is worth for $99 initial sale price on Amazon.
- H
- Hari
- uuU
- 12 Jan 2016
A very much premium looking phone (almost like iphone 5) at $199. A $20 extra with a finger print sensor could have been excellent.
- p
- pinktech
- MhX
- 11 Jan 2016
jalandher, 10 Jan 2016ok but NO price it will retail at $199
- j
- jalandher
- ut2
- 10 Jan 2016
Mobilemaster, 07 Jan 2016This device looks amazing! It is sad, they put only an HD screen.ok but NO price
- D
- AnonD-243518
- m1P
- 09 Jan 2016
well done BLU💗
- D
- AnonD-485927
- uwk
- 08 Jan 2016
Lack op ppi