Cyanogen reaches 50M users, says it beats Windows Mobile and BlackBerry

Kaloyan, 10 August, 2015

Cyanogen's employee Adnan Begovic dropped quite the bomb over the Seattle Code Rush dev event. He claims today Cyanogen has over 50 million users, which is more than Windows Mobile and BlackBerry combined.

And let me stop you before you start digging evidences and reports that this is not true. He is absolutely right, at least technically.

Windows Mobile is the key here - the OS is the predecessor of Windows Phone and very few people are still using it today. The golden era of the Windows Mobile has been long over and only few users are still using their WM phones. Most of them probably use the notorious HTC HD2 and may even not run WM, but that's for another topic.

We are sure BlackBerry and the few Windows Mobile users can't compete with the 50 million Cyanogen gang. But who really cares? This is one very obscure comparison anyway.

There is a chance Adnan Begovic meant Windows Phone instead of Windows Mobile. This means someone at Cyanogen was too keen to brag before making any proper calculations. Windows Phone had 50 million active users by the end of 2013 as per AdDuplex report, which means 20 months later those should be a lot more. And we are sure BlackBerry users are enough to tip the scales even if the Microsoft platform has been standing still (and it hasn't).

Long story short - we are sure there are better ways for Cyanogen to brag about its user base than comparing it to a dead platform and a niche operating system. Or worse - misleading the public by feeding it with false information.

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Reader comments

  • AnonD-383187
  • 14 Aug 2015
  • 4Dk

Custom ROMs on Android are full of bugs because of so many different hardware and drivers. No standard hardware like Windows Phone devices.

There is a difference between CyanogenMod and Cyanogen OS, they are different companies. CM is much much better than Cyanogen OS and I am pretty sure they don't make stupid comments like this. Only a company that runs solely for profit makes such com...

  • ithehappy
  • 11 Aug 2015
  • rAe

I agree with you. Cynogenmod is waste because it is only for flagship smartphones. And flagship already get latest update. then what is the use of cynogenmod. lol

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