Dell Lightning leaks and WinPho 7, 4.1-inch OLED flash in the sky

22 April, 2010

There's quite a storm brewing over at Dell - starting with the Dell Lightning, a killer-specced Windows Phone 7 device. A 4.1" OLED screen and 1GHz Snapdragon CPU are just a brief flash of what the Lightning has to offer.

The Dell Lightning is a portrait slider with a full QWERTY keyboard. It runs Windows Phone 7 and has a massive 4.1" WVGA Samsung OLED (here's hoping that it's a SuperAMOLED screen).

Dell Lightning Dell Lightning
Dell Lightning

The Dell Lightning is powered by a 1GHz Snapdragon CPU with 512MB RAM and 1GB ROM plus an extra 8GB of internal storage (it's strange - the slide says microSD card slot, but WinPho 7 doesn't support removable storage). It also packs a 5MP camera, full DivX, Flash and Silverlight support.

Dell Lightning Dell Lightning
The Lighning is promising a rich multimedia experience

The Dell Lightning is expected to strike in Q4 with 3G frequencies for AT&T and T-Mobile US and the euro T-Mobile.

Stay tuned, there are four Androids with salivating specs coming as well.


Reader comments

  • alice8787
  • 05 Apr 2012
  • 2QG

People need to hear music. Artists, music directors and producers came up with albums for everyone to hear. Whether we hate to admit it, the headsets included in the package upon purchasing our music players are simply plain and most often, it doesno...

  • Anonymous
  • 15 Aug 2010
  • 4CZ

Um, you can read, correct? The article clearly says that it is the DELL lightning, not samsung or hp... DELL.

  • Anonymous
  • 07 May 2010
  • kKw

looks like a zune hd with a slide out key board. The zune is pretty fast, but i hear there will be a flash upgrade for this phone.

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