Dell Streak
- K
- Kishor
- xpv
- 22 Sep 2010
Kodungookaran, 16 Sep 2010Guys good news, my AT&T dell streak god unlocked in UAE... moreHI
Could you please let me know here can i get dell streak in Dubai?
- ?
- Anonymous
- MVg
- 22 Sep 2010
Adam Conolly, 21 Sep 2010I presently use HTC HD2 but i really wanted a wide screen p... morei have used the quick office and it is good you can just copy and paste documents on to the memory card and view them threw quick office but you have to buy a app to edit the documents, as for the emails you have to go to the email software on the phone and press refresh to retreve the new emails i currently have 4 emails on my 16Gb Streak and it works brilliant when you tell it to refresh but it only holds 80 emails per inbox at any time but you can tell it to load 25 more if you want it to do that and you can also create and send emails threw this also wich i find is nice and handy :-)
- A
- Adam Conolly
- 0Fu
- 21 Sep 2010
I presently use HTC HD2 but i really wanted a wide screen phone and that is why i went for it. But i really think the HD2 is too much of a mediocre iphone imitation.Don't get me wrong HTC is on the way up. I am thinking of buying this phone but want to know how email is on it.Is it like the blackberry where the emails drop????. How is QuickOffice, can I copy and paste my Excel& Word documents and view them. Can I edit my documents on the phone ???
Really need answers before final decision can be made
- A
- Argoon Khan
- wdM
- 21 Sep 2010
Hi friends
I want give the more thanks to dell that he make an unique mobile phones.It is very good gejet for young youth.
- d
- dan-2711
- MVg
- 21 Sep 2010
is any 1 haveing problems with the Geo-Tagging ??? i cannot seam to get mine to record the map reffrence when i am taking pictures and i havemade sure it is turned on in the camera settings.
can any one help me with this ??
- b
- badrah
- ftZ
- 20 Sep 2010
Kodungookaran, 16 Sep 2010Guys good news, my AT&T dell streak god unlocked in UAE... moreCongratulations and good for you :)
Would u plz do me a favor and point me URL where u ordered the rebel sim 2?
Would appreciate it a lot.
- R
- Rafeeque Kodungookaa
- SkG
- 20 Sep 2010
Guys as per dell streak would be compatible with USB OTG (On The Go), that will be a great feature u can connect usb drive and may be a usb keyboard to streak. whoooooooaaaaaa
- M
- Micky G
- iIR
- 20 Sep 2010
nathan, 20 Sep 2010they withdrew it because of the probs it apparantly cuase w... morethey had an update on the Dell PC Sync software that sorted that issue
- n
- nathan
- iIR
- 20 Sep 2010
Micky G, 20 Sep 2010im pretty sure that they have stopped the update now to 2.1... morethey withdrew it because of the probs it apparantly cuase with dt manager, so o2 removed it, gunna see if i can get it else were though while am still in my 14days lol so if i break it :)
- M
- Micky G
- iIR
- 20 Sep 2010
nathan, 17 Sep 2010i try and update mine ota on h/s. and says upto date, how d... moreim pretty sure that they have stopped the update now to 2.1 for now im not sure through, its just we get alot of people now complaining that they cannot d/l the new update
- ?
- Anonymous
- utL
- 18 Sep 2010
[deleted post]plz clarify wt u i want to buy this phone from ebay and use in india
- R
- Rafeeque
- SkG
- 18 Sep 2010
Guys, consider streak as a biggest phone and smallest laptop. Streak is intented those advanced users who can use streak more than a phone. i could say from my experience its a mini laptop and can be psp, ebook reader,multimedia player. all these features come great with 5 inch screen. so those my friends look streak only for phone calls may better keep happy with nokia 3310.......
- B
- Bor3D
- veS
- 18 Sep 2010
Dan-2711, 16 Sep 2010i got my dell Streak 16Gb last week and it came with androi... moreCan someone pls explain to this noob there is no 2.3 yet ? Froyo is not even out and he is claiming to be running on 2.3
- a
- abc
- 9xJ
- 18 Sep 2010
mohan , 11 Sep 2010any body using this phone in india, amit what is ur experiancemine streak is not working in india with rebel sim 2
- n
- nathan
- iIR
- 17 Sep 2010
well, ive had mine a week, was wanting to take it back due to battery issues, but got new battery and great, 1st android and will deffo be sticking with it, been able to shazam a track, then download it free, is great, and so is full length dvds ota, games and emulators are spot on for killing the odd 3 hours session lol, my xbox has been retired now lol, size isnt a massive issue any more, call quality is a bit poor, but think thatll improve3 with update, the only prob is the charger, its about 2ft long, but a usb extention sorted this out, teathers to my laptop fine, amazing little phone...
- n
- nathan
- iIR
- 17 Sep 2010
Micky G, 15 Sep 2010Its still ongoing from what i know, iv had it since the day... morei try and update mine ota on h/s. and says upto date, how do ya do it, get dan to text me how to do it so can av a mess about over weekend, id bring it over to you but i would not get close top your desk lol
- D
- Dan-2711
- MVg
- 17 Sep 2010
Anonymous, 16 Sep 2010Ya and mine came with Android 6.1 .... Check your facts dud... morewhen i go to view the infomation on my dell streak that is what it says it is on o2 uk and when i tell it to check for updates it says it is up to date :S so i dont know how you have that on yours
- s
- soso
- 3nL
- 17 Sep 2010
i think this is a mini laptop it's very big don't you think that ?
- K
- Kodungookaran
- 3xC
- 16 Sep 2010
Guys good news, my AT&T dell streak god unlocked in UAE work with both du and etisalat with rebel sim II. hooooooooooraaaaaaaay..............
- ?
- Anonymous
- veS
- 16 Sep 2010
sobhan, 15 Sep 2010It is only for UK not for INDIAOh really ? Then how come I am using a STREAK long b4 it was launched in US via AT&T when I'm not from UK ? Any country in the world can be selling it , as long as it's a DELL set , not O2 set .