Ericsson GH 218
- m
- missin oldies
- Fvj
- 22 Jan 2006
Can anyboy tell me wher i can get a memory card for this model?? it just seems so hard to get now a day
- T
- TheOneDazz
- MF{
- 13 Jan 2006
ppl may lol @ dis fone but iv it wer nt 4 old comanies like ericsson making fones bak in da day we wun av wot we got 2day, like it or nt dis is a pioneer. let it rest in piece an remembr in 10 years dare wil b ppl who luk @ da fones we got now an lol @ dem... jus bare dat in mind
- I
- Io
- mA%
- 11 Jan 2006
Jesus Christ ,is this a mobile phone or a goddamn dildo?
- s
- sonyericsson chief e
- nEE
- 01 Jan 2006
We are currently considering whether to bring this design of phone back into production with all the modern functions from phones now. We really like the stylish design and feel that a 9 megapixel camera, bluetooth and 3g would enhance its performance. We will also put a memory card slot and satnav onto this phone and wi-fi. We need peoples opinions on this subject. Please oblige. Thanx.
Mr S. Ericsson (Chief Executive)
- c
- cool
- nEE
- 01 Jan 2006
this phone has a 4 megapixal camera with flash, has bluetooth, video, pda functionality, wi-fi, 3g vidoe downloads and comes with a 3 gigabyte transflash memory card. it also uses the tom tom sat nav which is included and looks cooler than the v80 and 8800 combined.
- j
- jo
- nD$
- 06 Dec 2005
I think that if some of you have this phone now you should take care of it because it will soon worth a fortune as a museum piece. Don't you think so? :)
- i
- iO
- nye
- 01 Dec 2005
ROFL nice anntena but for 1994 what would you expect,heh nice to look at old phones and read the funny comments
- d
- dadok
- PFn
- 23 Nov 2005
old school!!!
- g
- g man
- 12 Sep 2005
excellentphone. I love the one line of text feature and the backlight. I like it how it displays every thing in black and white. I've had a few great times with this. It will be interesting how the phones of the future beat this great creation.
- N
- Nathan
- m9T
- 22 Aug 2005
wow. it's amazing how technology has changed over the past 10-or-so years. put a few of these together with a bit of cement and you've built yourself a house.
- F
- Fat Bastard
- muI
- 30 Jul 2005
This was my first cellphone.
It cost a fortune, fried my brain with its radiation, weighed so much, that if you put it in your pants' pocket, the pants fell down
- B
- Bulle
- xL0
- 30 Jun 2005
look at the standby ^^.. cute
- m
- mark
- jHN
- 20 Mar 2005
ooh this fone is like 1 yeer less than me witch makes it 11 yeers
its like vintage lol
- A
- Alex
- 4t8
- 10 Mar 2005
This phone is pretty cool, but it doesn't compare to this bad boy that I want so much...
- A
- Anita Bonghit
- P%A
- 03 Feb 2005
Does this phone support bluetooth? Is it compatible with 3G networks. I need to know. Planning on trading in my Nokia 7710 for one of these sexy babys!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mym
- 10 Jan 2005
I WANT IT NOW!!!!! hahaha what a joke of a phone
- C
- Confused
- P$V
- 08 Jan 2005
Nokia 7280 or this phone? I'm having the absolute hardest time deciding. Anyone care to help me decide?
- V
- Vodafone CEO
- P$V
- 07 Jan 2005
This phone is absolutely fantastic esp with the 1.3 megapixel camera and MP3 ringtones. This is the future of mobile phones!
- b
- billlly
- 23 Jul 2004
i i i tink thiss fonee is teh besst fonne on hte marrkete it it it iz betterr thann alll off yourzz
- x
- xinix
- 15 Jul 2004
it just 0wns !