Football and surfing events broadcast for Samsung Gear VR in Portugal

VR headsets are typically discussed in the context of first person games, but Samsung sees another highly popular opportunity for the head-mounted display tech – sports.
The company has already delivered a VR sporting experience to fans in Portugal, who virtually spectated a football game between rivals FC Porto and SL Benfica. Five 360° cameras were used to broadcast the event: one behind each goal, one behind each team's bench and one in the stand.
You can see some excerpts from the game in the video below and look around with your mouse, but it just doesn’t look the same without a VR headset.
From the pitch to the sea, Samsung Gear VR users also got to experience the Moche Rip Curl Cup remotely. The IRL event took place on October 24 at Supertubos Beach, but views from the beach, the VIP area and the athlete's lounge were transmitted thousands of miles away.
Do you see a future where huge 50+ inch TVs get replaced with compact VR headsets for watching sporting events? You'll lose the social experience, but if alone you get to pick your own vantage point.
Reader comments
- Anonymous
- 10 Nov 2015
- 98P
- Anonymous
- 10 Nov 2015
- M60
this is the most cutting-edge vr device and only costs 99$ !
- Anonymous
- 10 Nov 2015
- 3aK
Your reasoning? With the current interest in VR a lot of R&D is being poured into it and with technology catching up it'll be more available much earlier than that...