Google introduces a new AI search tool that shortens lengthy articles into key points

Google just launched a new tool under the Search Labs tab on its Google Search app on Android and iOS. The new tool is part of the Search Generative Experience (SGE) and it's an entirely different product from Google's AI chatbot Bard. This one aims to improve the search results and will soon be made available to Chrome too.

The goal of SGE's new feature is to help users engage with lengthy articles more effectively as it summarizes the content into key points. It will be particularly useful to people who are new to a given topic. Google said the feature wouldn't work with articles behind a paywall.

Additionally, the generated key points will include links leading directly to the section from where the generative tool has taken the information. This would help users fact-check and acquire additional information on the matter. The tool also helps users answer certain questions by extracting answers from the article.

For now, the new feature under the Search Labs is available only in English and only in select users in the US and hasn't given a timeline for a global rollout.


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  • Spike

More Less Informed People!

  • blue

Yes, many people are. I've read that typical "reader" can pay attention to an article for about five minutes. Anything longer leads to skipping parts or not reading it at all. So now, instead of making people read more, AI is going t...

Apparently, yeah.