Haier P5
- z
- zaido
- nCM
- 23 Jul 2010
Hey, can someone please tell me how to turn on the phone? I put it on the charger and ive pressed all the buttons there is on that little thing, so can someone please reply, thank you :)
- m
- muriel
- utP
- 18 Jul 2010
can you tell me where about in pune can i get haier p5 charger.
- n
- nelly
- 0pc
- 10 Dec 2009
any one no where i can get a battery for my p5!!!!
- J
- James
- m}9
- 29 Dec 2008
Mr. Sulu phone? Star Trek Gadget? What a strange device. Can it be used as a remote control??
- s
- shahadat
- 0mH
- 22 Dec 2008
oh i like that..the lazer pen is a great talking point too! great stuff
- S
- SparkY
- pTE
- 07 Sep 2008
Had one now i lost it :'(
- i
- it's me bitches
- mXV
- 16 Jun 2008
had one of these.... it was wicked! do the newer models have a laser pen on it aswell??
- m
- mat
- w0%
- 08 Jun 2008
this is the most beutiful atom bomb
- E
- Eddie
- my%
- 04 Jun 2008
I got one of these afew years ago!
Awesome Phone...
really really good and riable!
the lazer pen is a great talking point too!
great stuff
- o
- optick
- 0C9
- 28 May 2008
weird actually........but weird means good nowadays ;)
- e
- etits
- RtK
- 06 May 2008
This one looks like a toothbrush container, lol. Maybe it is.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P0K
- 30 Jan 2008
It is ugly, it haven't nothing.
- r
- rowena
- 30 Nov 2007
hehhee..like a ballpen...=)
- n
- nate turner
- mXm
- 10 Aug 2007
1 What battery
2 Where can i get a manual (in english) for this thing!!!
3. it says it is charged ( the little man walking a plug is cute BUT!!!!!) the battery is FULL. But when i put the sim card in it just goes dead. switches off. I can not even use it as a backup for my normal cell phone??
- O
- Omri
- p6y
- 28 Apr 2007
How can i charge the battery?
- R
- R Falcon
- waV
- 24 Feb 2007
Dear Sir,
I am having the above phone & using it for the last 3 months but I have noticed that the battery gets low very fast.
R Falcon
- g
- glamsham
- PTn
- 09 Feb 2007
cute look,,,,,,,,,,,
- I
- Immo0
- Uq4
- 28 Jan 2007
Duh! itzZ a mobile gimmi a break,I think itzZ kinda suger testing device or something...Don't purchase it cuz itzZ not a cellphone itzZ the Hellphone.. :p
- ?
- Anonymous
- mcX
- 25 Jan 2007
i have this phone for like 4 years...and it stil works great...
- j
- jaan
- 10 Oct 2006
i dont like this handset