Honor 4C
- D
- Dull
- 70g
- 26 Oct 2016
I can't record any video and the buttom to record is red in color . May I know what is wrong with my phone because it happened suddenly .
- e
- eprodriguez
- jPA
- 25 Oct 2016
AnonD-591432, 30 Sep 2016Hey im from ph. Can you tell me how? Hi can you send me also the link for huawei honor 4c B180 upgrade link thanks
- ?
- Anonymous
- f}C
- 25 Oct 2016
I want to update my honor 4C build no C185B120 to lolipop,plz help me
- n
- nanameh
- wYG
- 25 Oct 2016
if i download lollipop version its always hide and stop to download may i know what is the link of lollipop in honor 4C?
- S
- Sana
- v{u
- 22 Oct 2016
Best mobile for this payment .
Can i slot 128 or 64 memory card for this?
- D
- AnonD-600852
- 7wx
- 22 Oct 2016
hi guys,
i have bought this s-phone(white) from overcart at 5400INR. i am satisfied with the performance of this phone.it has descent look,no hagging issue with great multitasking.IT has great UI and great design. The camera quality is awsome with 1080pi. only drawback is no 4g supportable and 8gb intenal memory which is insufficient in these days.But for permormance and camera this mobile provide value for many at this low price..
- ?
- Anonymous
- mX%
- 20 Oct 2016
I have had the Honor 4C for 14 months, and while I thought it was a good buy, the sound has now packed up making it useless as a phone. In the last few weeks it has got increasingly hot so presumably something has burnt out. It was given me by a friend in Hong Kong but the UK people will not repair it. The Huawei HK site says they speak English, but they don't. So a useless bit of kit.
- s
- shahram
- B{8
- 20 Oct 2016
Unknown, 20 Oct 2016Dies 32gb will work on my honor 4c?yes supotted
- U
- Unknown
- P@d
- 20 Oct 2016
AkosiMarjo, 08 Oct 2016send me the link sirDies 32gb will work on my honor 4c?
- D
- AnonD-599907
- 6QM
- 19 Oct 2016
AnonD-599525, 19 Oct 2016is this mobile support 4g services Only The Korian V is Supporeted
- D
- AnonD-599525
- ftt
- 19 Oct 2016
is this mobile support 4g services
- Q
- Qwerty
- X}$
- 18 Oct 2016
Meky, 15 Oct 2016does this phone have srceen protection...gorilla or else?Sadly, No...
- Q
- Qwerty
- X}$
- 18 Oct 2016
pavan, 18 Oct 2016But I didn't see any dload folder in internal or externalCreate folder and paste in it
- p
- pavan
- Cbj
- 18 Oct 2016
raju 420, 24 Nov 2015download updte from huawei site or follow at twitter the hu... moreBut I didn't see any dload folder in internal or external
- ?
- Anonymous
- thi
- 18 Oct 2016
how can i connect in pc what should i do?
- M
- Meky
- sr%
- 15 Oct 2016
does this phone have srceen protection...gorilla or else?
- R
- Rasheed
- 15 Oct 2016
Carlo, 13 Oct 2016Can anybody tell me why my network will losing 3g...is it t... moreupdate your version
- T
- Test
- Khh
- 14 Oct 2016
I have been getting news update in my mobile regularly. I would like deactivate the news updates which is appearing on my wallpaper when ever I have locked my mobile.
Please help how to deactivate it
- C
- Carlo
- yQJ
- 13 Oct 2016
AnonD-590982, 29 Sep 2016update Can anybody tell me why my network will losing 3g...is it the problem in honor 4c... I search on google about that and another device is losing their 3g signal
- f
- fahad
- 6PH
- 12 Oct 2016
Sufyan, 17 Sep 2016I am not able to download anything on my honor 4c from Goog... moreGo to setting, storage and in storage setting there is a default location, set this location to SD card. your problem will solve