Honor 4C
- k
- k rulz
- 08 Dec 2015
great value for your money..nice.
- A
- Anup
- 7wj
- 08 Dec 2015
When will there be lollipop upgrade in Nepal ???
- s
- shamal
- XNp
- 08 Dec 2015
nida, 01 Dec 2015is battery removable or not????U cnt remove da battery dr
- h
- haseeb
- 6Pb
- 08 Dec 2015
how's the battery timing
- d
- did
- XNp
- 08 Dec 2015
This phone good or bad
- J
- Jay
- uW%
- 07 Dec 2015
Imran, 05 Dec 2015Using honor 4c for 2 weeks. Problem is. When someone call... morePlz go into the settings than notification than turn on notify option ur problem will be solved try it
- D
- AnonD-473664
- U@J
- 07 Dec 2015
Am facing contact and call log issues, they are not appearing all of sudden, even when missed calls had came, I can't access it all of sudden am waiting long to read it.
- A
- Ajay
- U@J
- 07 Dec 2015
Am facing problem with call log and message, its not accessible all of sudden, even missed calls is not visible its taking
- N
- Neeraj
- tU1
- 07 Dec 2015
Phone is nice but it start giving battery problem after 5-6 months. Complete wastage of money
- J
- Jeli
- MkX
- 06 Dec 2015
AnonD-473084, 04 Dec 2015i have been using huawei honor 4c since August 2015 and its... moresame thing happened on my Ascend G6. too bad, the phone was actually very good so I have no idea why that message also appeared on my handset. im thinking it has something to do with Huawei's OS or how they manufactured the phone. I had to wipe data and revert my handset back to EMUI 2.0 because I upgraded it to the unofficial EMUI 3.0 for G6-u10
- J
- Jeli
- MkX
- 06 Dec 2015
Imran, 05 Dec 2015Using honor 4c for 2 weeks. Problem is. When someone call... morethat's a feature that you can turn off on the settings of your handset. that's a protection feature to avoid any unnecessary apps from being opened if your phone is inside your pocket.
- N
- N
- Njb
- 06 Dec 2015
who advice me this phone?
- A
- Afzal shaik
- rAQ
- 06 Dec 2015
In my honor 4c i just tried to set a password in phone manager applock.. . Later i forgot the password den can u say me how could i open it again
- D
- AnonD-466032
- Hkt
- 05 Dec 2015
Over all phone is awesome.but much heavy!
- I
- Imran
- 6Qk
- 05 Dec 2015
Using honor 4c for 2 weeks.
Problem is.
When someone calls me. It rings.
I bring my cell out from pocket.
There is nothing only lock screen wallpaper but continues ringing.
A message
Don't cover the top of the screen.
Press power button and volume up button to disable this.
Then I do that.
Then receive call if there. Otherwise ring back.
Note here is glass protector on lcd
- L
- L
- t7U
- 05 Dec 2015
khel, 01 Nov 2015In specification it said that it has 8gb internal memory, I... moreIts because the 8g memory split into two for the internal memory which is 4gb and the other one is for the google aps we have. like google play, google map, google new etc.
- G
- Gautam Bisht
- 2@k
- 05 Dec 2015
khurram , 01 Dec 2015b coz 5gb softwere use and 3gb free memri okk........Im facing same problem here..!!!
- G
- Gautam Bisht
- 2@k
- 05 Dec 2015
I got my internal storage 3gb...
- M
- f}m
- 05 Dec 2015
toix, 05 Dec 2015I have exactly the same problem. Bought unit in august also... moreHaving same problem
What is the solution now
- ?
- Anonymous
- u14
- 05 Dec 2015
Thandar Kyaw, 16 Sep 2015All Huawei phones battery are not good. Too fast drain.The usb OTG is now working with on/off option in setting/smart assitance