User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-6096
  • pq{
  • 20 Feb 2012

What is difference between Htc Sensation and EVO 3D? In my country Evo 3D is cheaper 200€ than sensation. :D

    • B
    • pVq
    • 20 Feb 2012

    I'm gonna get it..sure will be usefull to me in the next few years...

      • S
      • Somno
      • p8c
      • 20 Feb 2012

      AnonD-6096, 20 Feb 2012will htc evo 3d get the ics???yes it will get, this have already been announced by htc, it will get ics4.0 ,

      yes it will

      yes it will

      yes it will

        • f
        • fetea
        • TSM
        • 20 Feb 2012

        This phone is superb. I can give 8/10 mark. The screen pixels is very good compared to galaxy s2. i hav used it and warranty until this aug 12 and still not rooted. but the background apps is running too many and used my RAM too much. sometime lagging and i compared with iphone 4 is better in term of smoothness.

        Even if I have killed a process still got too many ram used. anyone know how to fix this?

          • h
          • htc
          • pqZ
          • 20 Feb 2012

          the phone is realy great!
          If you think the 3d is bad, you should get a pair of new glasses...

            • D
            • AnonD-6096
            • pqV
            • 20 Feb 2012

            will htc evo 3d get the ics???

              • B
              • BigSmoke
              • pqV
              • 20 Feb 2012

              Will htc EVO 3D get the ICS???

                • t
                • thubleau
                • iiH
                • 20 Feb 2012

                one day you guys are going to wake up that you are buying a phone and not a camera,
                face it a phones a phone and a camera is a camera .a camera on a phone is a stop gap solution when you forget to bring your camera.
                one other thing it comes with 8 gig of external memory plus premium navigation...................i did not see this mentioned ??

                  • D
                  • AnonD-24519
                  • PWa
                  • 19 Feb 2012

                  it is an android powerhouse, pqcked with every feature you need. the 3d efffect is good, I really like this handset

                    • J
                    • JazzyT
                    • JE9
                    • 18 Feb 2012

                    The phone is excellent! Not good 3D though, but everything else its very good on it!
                    Very very fast, i will rate the phone 8/10 due to bad 3D and heavy weight the rest its just amazing!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Qa9
                      • 17 Feb 2012

                      Anonymous, 17 Feb 2012no. 1 smart phone as i you dont know very much do you?

                      This phone is terrible compared to the Gnex or S2

                      the 3D is horrible

                        • F
                        • FoneDude
                        • 3J3
                        • 17 Feb 2012

                        Ive had this phone after owning a Galaxy SII and a HTC Desire.
                        The experience is zippy, very light and nimble. HTC Sense is great, I would recommend it to anyone who wants there facebook stuff easily accessible from there mobile. Its also a nicer experience on the Evo 3D than on the Sensation.
                        Coming from a Galaxy SII, the main difference is the slickness. I find a subtle difference in web page and menu scrolling, I suspect this is because of the heft of HTC Sense weighing down the CPU, even when it running in the background. Not that it is a problem, in fact it doesnt even register as an irritation but its a trade off you will make from a Samsung with minimal skins and widgets.
                        I didn't purchase this for 3D ability but as a capable smart phone, the 3D is quite a nice treat for the occassional game or if you've got a 3D TV its worth a try. You cant really go wrong at the price its going for, its a strong solid phone with a Upgrade in the pipeline.

                        It certainly is an excellent phone, and it has a price drop at the moment. If your in the UK you can get this at a significant discount from ASDA if your quick.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 3sZ
                          • 17 Feb 2012

                          no. 1 smart phone as i know.....

                            • e
                            • eidbest
                            • 3bZ
                            • 16 Feb 2012

                            This is truly a greeaaat phone I've had now for over a month. Performance is superb, battery life for such a high performer good at approx one and a half day, brilliant big screen, truly solid all round, the weight and build quality very reassuring. This is definitely a heavy duty phone, built for challenging uses and highly recommended for anyone who is looking for a NO-nonsense smartphone always at the ready all the time. Highly, highly recommended. Nothing beats it quite frankly.

                              • K
                              • Kue
                              • N5x
                              • 16 Feb 2012

                              Ehab pepo, 15 Feb 2012I need someone to advise me! I want to buy a new phone and... moreHi,

                              I was facing the same questions last month. These are the points I considered:

                              Evo 3D has 1gb memory Sensation has 768. This 256Mb makes for daily use (the SENSE looks smother on EVO 3D) and also it may be good to have 1Gb when migrating to ICS

                              EVO 3D is heavier than Sensation.

                              EVO 3D camera suck when compared with sensation

                              EVO 3D has 3D. (if that matters to you).

                              EVO 3D didn't not presented the 2 serious issues that haunted sensation "death grip" and "touch scree fail".
                              (you should look on internet for that).

                              So, I decided to buy a evo 3D. I don't really care for 3D, and I think it is heavy, but the extra memory and the minor occurrence of death grip guide me to this one (also it costed 40 bucks less than sensation and 200 bucks less than sensation xe).

                              BTW sensation and sensation XE are almost the same thing

                              finally, HTC sense rocks... the software is basically the same on the three of them. None of them will disappoint you.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • tRb
                                • 16 Feb 2012

                                imran, 14 Feb 2012does it run hd games just like Galaxy S2 ??yes, it runs hd games.

                                  • E
                                  • EVO 3D User
                                  • 2AY
                                  • 15 Feb 2012

                                  Best specs mobile that will last till 2012; 3D effect is great without glasses and processor is really fast; battery time lasts 2 and half days with normal usuage. Build quality is great and screen size is perfect for watching movies or any videos Camera quality is great as is the video indeed this is a must to have mobile phone and a great value for money. Highly recommended purchase.

                                    • S
                                    • Somno
                                    • p8c
                                    • 15 Feb 2012

                                    Some new stuff done for the HTC EVO 3D:
                                    custom roms have :Beats system,srs,dolby,equalizer,apps,new themes,new skins,

                                    overclocking that you can choose up to 2ghz dual core (1,8ghz fine and stable)

                                    custom tweaks,amazing for example if you hold the volume button it changes song + is next ,- is previous song when the screen is off.

                                    the front camera have been hacked from 1,3mp to 2mp

                                    back camera have been improved with video and photos

                                    3D picture JPS can take up to 4096x 1152 resolution

                                    Some says it can now record 1080p,didnt see that but i did compare the video from lg optimus 3d which does 1080p and the htc evo 3d 720p and they look nearly the same, the lg optimus wins a bit over with the camera ,just a bit(both tried on the same 1080p full-HDTV LCD)

                                    camera application taken from the htc amaze 4g , that have many different settings ..2d and 3d works ofcourse.

                                    and muuuuuuuch phone ever

                                      • S
                                      • Somno
                                      • p8c
                                      • 15 Feb 2012

                                      imran, 14 Feb 2012does it run hd games just like Galaxy S2 ??Hell yes i does! if not better, dude it got Qhd screen now thats something!

                                      it comes also with 3 free games ,Need for speed (3D and you can turn 3D off in all games,apps,videos,pictures if wanted to be watched in 2D.

                                      it comes with Spiderman 3D

                                      it comes with The Sims 3 3D

                                      try some cool games GTA III Brilliant game

                                      or 9mm also a great game

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-42415
                                        • g5i
                                        • 15 Feb 2012

                                        Ehab pepo, 15 Feb 2012I need someone to advise me! I want to buy a new phone and... moreHI there you shoul choose the htc evo 3D because its much beter than the sensation and the sensation xe you should compare phones on gsmarena and you will see that the htc evo 3D its much better than both of them