- s
- s10
- kSH
- 20 Dec 2011
Once you change your ROM on your phone you won't be having those battery issues anymore you'll gain about 15% to 20% more battery life and you'll remove all that bloatware. Hope info helps :-)
- S
- Shan
- Uiw
- 19 Dec 2011
Nice phone......but i have a issue on mine, phone automatically switch to speaker phone. I don't know some idea????
- ?
- Anonymous
- wrY
- 19 Dec 2011
the 3d games from gameloft are amazing. but i think the 1.2 ghz dual core isn't sufficient enough for hd gaming although i do enjoy playing it with some slight lag here and there.
- ?
- Anonymous
- N7A
- 17 Dec 2011
himanshu, 14 Dec 2011i am going to buy this phone tomorrow but i have few querie... moreWhy does HTC phones always has a battery problems? Thanks!
- E
- Ebony
- jBu
- 16 Dec 2011
I've had mine for over a week now. Great phone.
- A
- Akram Naim
- xpB
- 16 Dec 2011
Excellent Phone .. i Bought it today !
3D Apps, Games and Camera are awesome .. u have to see it to believe it !:)
- z
- zoran
- 14 Dec 2011
himanshu, 14 Dec 2011i am going to buy this phone tomorrow but i have few querie... more- batery is weak link - 1/2 to 1 day. it depend what you will do...
- in my hands it's never been hot
- camera is in middle class, exept it have and 3d option.
- A
- Aks
- xpB
- 14 Dec 2011
I just want to know before buying the phone.. What is 3D in this phone.. just the camera or everything including menu ?? and is it good ?
- h
- himanshu
- fCx
- 14 Dec 2011
i am going to buy this phone tomorrow but i have few queries. I hope that evo 3d users will help me sort it out.
Well i am using a samsung galaxy s2 currently. I am a very heavy user and do alot of multitasking on my phone. I want to know:
1) How is the battery life on evo 3d?
2)do u experience any lag or freezing or heating when using it to the core?
And last but not the least...
3)how is the camera quality on this phone(both 3d and 2d)?
- D
- AnonD-23128
- p47
- 13 Dec 2011
I bought this one today, waiting for my delivery ;)
- D
- AnonD-33127
- q94
- 06 Dec 2011
AnonD-33127, 06 Dec 2011This phone can actually play games rather well! I have my ... more(Yes, i know the EVO 3D uses a QUAL COMM chipset, i was just stating it as for instance)
- D
- AnonD-33127
- q94
- 06 Dec 2011
Oh, lastly, (I forgot to mention this in my first post), using the CPU scaler (which is what i mentioned for overclocking) can also be used to lower the total frequency as well, using **On-Demand** frequency adjustment. Basically, I have mine set to 384mhz on both processors when it is idle, and only has a minor workload. When using games, or other tasks (or multi-tasking) I have it set to use the full 1.2ghz. I have not flashed my kernel as of yet, so my phone is not currently over-clocked. (That being said, i still have no problems running TEGRA 2 games!). I do plan on overclocking it (possibly this weekend), let me know if you guys would like me to post my results as well!
- D
- AnonD-33127
- q94
- 06 Dec 2011
This phone can actually play games rather well! I have my phone rooted. By rooting my phone, I can even play TEGRA (Nvidia) games on my phone :D. I use this app called Chainfire 3D, which allows me to emulate drivers for NVIDIA, and QUALCOMM. I was also able to use this app called Swapper, which allows me to emulate a SWAP space on my SD Card (which is basically a page file index, for all you windows users!). The benefit of SWAP on your SD card is that, it is flash memory, making it faster transfer time (latency if you will) than a regular computer hard drive. And finally, you can always flash your kernel, making you able to over-clock your phone. I would personally recommend it, just remember, rooting your phone generally causes parts of the warranty to be void! (Doesn't mean your insurance though!!!)
- W
- WAR Genesis
- q94
- 06 Dec 2011
This phone is actually pretty good when you root it, and flash the kernel. Using Chinfire 3D once its rooted, you can mimic NVIDIA GPU with it even (TEGRA). I can play full TEGRA games on my phone now (such as Dungeon Defenders) at full graphics quality, with no lag, what-so-ever. Not to mention, make the **Already** fast CPU, faster by overclocking it.
That, and finally, using Swapper to make a Swap file on your SD card (mine is set to 500mb) to use as a swap file. (for all you windows users, its like a page file index, however being on an SD card, its faster than your HDD on your computer, since its flash media).
- K
- fuk
- 05 Dec 2011
sking , 14 Nov 2011best mobile than HTC evo 3d is Samsung galaxy s2,better mob... morestill old age man
- A
- Angel
- jBu
- 02 Dec 2011
The evo 3d will be getting ICS..not this year tho and i had this phone but it didnt suit me for my needs. Ima gamer and i know alot of other people are too. This phone isnt that great for games, it has a few glitches that a gamer does not like. If your a gamer like me and your looking to get a new phone,try the motorola photon 4g,i have it,and its a gamers phone. But im not saying the evo 3d is bad,its just not for a gamer.
- R
- RShimbulu
- fsr
- 30 Nov 2011
Does this phone get software problemsw
- ?
- Anonymous
- q}x
- 29 Nov 2011
faisal, 29 Nov 2011would we b able to upgrade ICS on EVO..Yes HTC has listed it in the devices that will get the update.
- f
- faisal
- uB$
- 29 Nov 2011
AnonD-30493, 26 Nov 2011well i jus got this phone ... and i loving it ... beauty in... morewould we b able to upgrade ICS on EVO..
- ?
- Anonymous
- K1F
- 28 Nov 2011
zaib, 25 Nov 2011dear i think u don't have use galaxy s i9000 or galaxy s2. ... moreI own both too...but i like this what?