Instagram for iOS finally lets you pinch to zoom on photos and videos

Vlad, 31 August 2016

This is one of those things that we can't believe are only now being added to an app. See, Instagram is all about pictures and videos, and pinching to zoom on images and videos is basically second nature on a device with a touchscreen. Yet only today has Instagram added that capability - and for now it's only available in its app for iOS.

Android support is supposedly coming in the next few weeks. Until then, Instagram users rocking an iPhone or iPad are once again getting to play with a new feature first. To get an idea of how pinching to zoom works in Instagram, have a look at the quick video below.

So basically this is indeed nothing earth-shattering - just some functionality that should have been there from the get-go, but has only been added now. Oh, and it's the same pinch gesture you're used to, so no learning curve here. That said, when you take your fingers off the screen the photo or video doesn't stay zoomed in, which means this is best used only for peeking at some small details you can't otherwise see properly. Do keep in mind that if you take the zooming too far you may see individual pixels, since Instagram caps uploads at 1080x1080.

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Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 02 Sep 2016
  • utX

Lol. I don't even know what to say.

  • Anonymous
  • 01 Sep 2016
  • rJZ

I made the biggest mistake of my life when i joined instagram for the first time. I was stalking my crush and thought double tap was zoom

  • Hems Moradiya
  • 01 Sep 2016
  • X{5

Hey i have updated Instagram app today but i cant use this feature to zoom video or photo help me ..

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