iOS 10.0.2 is released, fixes iPhone 7 EarPod issue

Enrique, 23 September 2016

Apple is now rolling out a fix for the issues that some were having with the iPhone 7 and the lightning EarPods that came with the phone. The controls on the Earpods were spontaneously activing on their own, causing songs to play/pause, skip, and Siri going off on its own. This was happening with both the headphone adapter, and the new ones with a lightning plug.

The update also squashes a couple of other bugs relating to the Photos app crashing and another bug that didn’t allow some app extensions to become enabled.

The update is now out and can be installed by going into the Settings > General > Software Update. Depending on what version you are updating from, the update is anywhere between 30 MB and 60 MB.


Reader comments

  • Dinesh K
  • 22 Oct 2016
  • P@T

I'm using iphone 6s. but i'm not satisfied ios 10.0.2 update . res at prevoius ios 9.3.2 i connect earpod to device on lock screen automatically launch the music pop up menu. and if i unlock it shows reson application too. and now didn't showing mus...

  • AnonD-489047
  • 26 Sep 2016
  • 7CQ

That's funny. I was still getting updates on my 2+ year old LG G3 before I replaced it with a G5 this year.

  • .alpha
  • 26 Sep 2016
  • 9Aw

Mean while Android users just toss out their phone because their bugs will never be fixed because there will never be a software update.

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