iPhone 7 mockups caught on video - high quality closeups this time

George, 06 August, 2016

With the Galaxy Note7 now out of the way, the next iPhone will be the sole major source of leaks for the weeks to come. Not that Apple has managed to keep a lid on it up until now, on the contrary.

There's a new episode today, and this one comes in the form of a video, where three different mockups are presented - supposedly the regular iPhone 7, the 7 Plus, and the 7 Pro. Now, it's been established (to the extent that usually reliable leakster Evan Blass stated it) that there will only be two iPhone 7 models, so the units featured in the video probably represent an earlier stage in the development of the future Apple smartphone.

Anyway, in this 4K video we're treated to some high-quality closeups of the mockups, where we can examine in detail the antenna bands, camera humps, and headphone jack (okay, scratch that last one). Check out the footage for yourselves and hit us up in the comments if you spot something interesting that we missed.

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Reader comments

  • AnonD-506381
  • 14 Aug 2016
  • 64L

most ugly design phone i ever seen !!! . apple gone after steve jobs !

  • Free em up
  • 09 Aug 2016
  • rAf

Indeed for isheeps its innovation. Coz they havnt tasted it in their a generation behind phones. They still have the display with low contrast and very poor viewing angles under stringent conditions

  • Jarret
  • 09 Aug 2016
  • 25G

Just only this add-on item you'd called it innovations? Apple you're digging your own's grave

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