Leakster: Oppo will introduce two inward-folding phones, vivo has one in the works

Peter, 06 April 2021

Oppo showcased its first foldable phone prototype in early 2019, but hasn’t actually released or even announced a finished product yet. This is set to change this quarter – leakster Digital Chat Station reported that Oppo will launch its first foldable in Q2.

Now DCS is back with more details, clarifying that there will be two models from Oppo – one with an 8” display and one with a 7” display. Both will have an inward folding design. The 7” model was reportedly close to mass production in January, so it should be the first to arrive in stores.

Oppo's original foldable design from 2019 left the screen outside Oppo's original foldable design from 2019 left the screen outside Oppo's original foldable design from 2019 left the screen outside Oppo's original foldable design from 2019 left the screen outside
Oppo's original foldable design from 2019 left the screen outside

Vivo is also working on a foldable phone as well, again inward folding. It will have an 8” internal and a 6.5” external display, high refresh rate will be featured on at least one of the panels. Speaking of panels, they will most likely be sourced from Samsung.

Last year Oppo also demonstrated a rollable phone prototype, the Oppo X 2021 (changing the display from 6.7” to 7.4”). There’s no word on whether that one will be converted into a retail product.

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Reader comments

  • sq2013
  • 11 Apr 2021
  • smT

Sorry don't think so. How could they be the future. They'll never be mass market. Too fragile and more importantly miles too expensive. People can't spend nearly two grand on a phone. It's a stupid and pointless innovation that re...

  • K
  • 08 Apr 2021
  • U@q

Foldable and rollable phones are the future of phones. Once regular slab phones get under display camera/go full screen and get a stylus.. they will be done. Companies will no longer be able to upgrade them enough to make people buy later versions of...

  • Anonymous
  • 07 Apr 2021
  • TLP

at the cost of lower priced competition in a nationalistic market fiercely loyal towards domestic goods (*cough* Chinese people *cough*) dumb move imo

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