LG A140
- ?
- Anonymous
- dW2
- 16 Dec 2019
Maud grimes, 02 Aug 2018Can the phone run WhatsApp and Facebook and eBay ?No, it can't.
- M
- Maud grimes
- mE0
- 02 Aug 2018
Can the phone run WhatsApp and Facebook and eBay ?
- i
- ibz
- 0FY
- 04 Apr 2012
i bought it for a £5 and it is great for people who aren't overly obese...Other commenters
- k
- karen wheeler
- LhR
- 20 Jul 2011
its useless
old design and not reliable .
battery life very short too .
- m
- mandy singh
- LhR
- 19 Jul 2011
don't buy this
had it for my mother and it broke
.also its horrible to use looks cheap too .
- a
- andrew walsall gb
- LhR
- 03 Jul 2011
A friend purchased this mobile phone recently based on price and looks.
This was a big mistake.
The phone has squishy plastic flat keyboard cheaply made which is unpleasant to text on.
The phone memory is less than 7 meg.
The phone will not play mp3, aac, or wma, when trying midi it plays but not very loud even when you turn the volume level up.
The screen is blurred to an extreme.
The weird thing is that it takes a sagem charger and has sagem menus (the charger was marked made in china with no bran name on it).
The phone has nothing positive about it.
Unless your buying this for a child under 10 I would not bother.
Dated and this is past a joke on cheap levels not worth the money paid for it.
- o
- ohmygawd
- LhR
- 03 Jul 2011
poor display
made by sagem
- ?
- Anonymous
- w0%
- 03 Feb 2011
Already released
- ?
- Anonymous
- uWF
- 29 Jan 2011
this phone has been released as LG A140
- S
- Sammy
- wdP
- 13 Nov 2010
Jacquar??? that also 5. yaak. spells odd & add to it, its 5. wheres 0, 1, 2, 3, 4? it should be named LG IDIOT ONE.
- A
- Andy Watson
- tA3
- 24 Jun 2010
Hi U LG people what's the hail is going on with U....What makes U to name the phone as JACQUAR????
Haven't seen such a PATHETIC....
Take my opinion should swith off manufacturing fone...& should start making baby toys....
- a
- anony mouse
- w4e
- 07 Jun 2010
darkstar1982_LV, 13 Apr 2010:) Looks like 6500 Nokia!i respect your opinion; but beg to differ... 6500c was a good phone of it's time... this one is pathetic
- d
- darkstar1982_LV
- Mxx
- 13 Apr 2010
:) Looks like 6500 Nokia!
- S
- Sholo
- fwt
- 03 Apr 2010
A Harsh oppinion...
I feel that surten names may only apply to surtin products.
A name like the one used for this phone deserves a remarkeble phone, fast, strong, eye attracting, bling bling phone. Instead they put it to a dull half ded cat like phone.
Sorry i dont feel this should even be considered.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P$u
- 15 Mar 2010
looks like 'me first' prey hunters are not looking into fresh handsets... he he