LG KG320
- p
- prem
- MsN
- 13 Nov 2006
hey....can someone please tell me whether one can hear loud and clear on the noisy streets. i appreciate if one can give me their honest opinion. also please let me know the overall performance of this model.
- i
- irfan
- YaG
- 13 Nov 2006
its tri band.. so its compatible with cingular.. but its not 850 band so check with cingular to see if its 1900 or 850 in your area. if its 850 this will do you no good
- ?
- Anonymous
- kCN
- 12 Nov 2006
yes its compatible with cingular. its gsm. Does Anyone Know the Battery Talk Time Or The Total MP3 Time?
- C
- CR
- jrB
- 12 Nov 2006
How well is this phone compatible with Cingular service? (For those who own the combo of this phone and Cingular...)
- ?
- Anonymous
- kCN
- 11 Nov 2006
is there mp3 ringtones? it says polyphonice, but it has an mp3 player. plz help i love this fone!
- j
- jiib2004
- inG
- 10 Nov 2006
How to do? I need more 20 schedule of calendar please
- I
- Irfan
- YaG
- 08 Nov 2006
Edit: one of my gripes on the cu500 was that you couldnt easily switch to T9 ABC mode.. this was incorrect.. by hold the # key for a couple seconds it makes the switch, according to the KG320 manual this also is the case with this phone, so thats a plus.
- I
- Irfan
- YaG
- 08 Nov 2006
Same thing on my LG CU500..set the alarm but if u put the phone in silent mode it will only give you a silent alarm... good for banks, bad for me.
- n
- neutral
- mTw
- 07 Nov 2006
Hi, Red Dog, you're right, this is very stopid, you know. Why they put an alarm if this is not working as at all the phones in the world. I called at Lg and they told me to put it on silent profile ... well, they don't know that is the same: if you switch to silent ... will be silent at alarm time too ....
Regarding the caller groups, yes I have also more than 20 friends .... Can LG give me a solution at this?
The calendar function is present in the menu for nothing if you can put only 20 notes ....
You're right ... a very BLODE TELEPHONE (beautiful, but stopid).
Don't by this piece of crap!! You will regret this!
- R
- Red_dog
- mTw
- 07 Nov 2006
This is the most STUPID telephone ever made!!!!
Immagine that: you can not use the 5 different alarm if you are switching off the phone. You know, if I want to be alarmed on the morning means that I want to slep and for slleping I need silence, so I close the phone. Very stupid!!!
Another stupid thing: the caller group has a limited space at 20. And if I have more than 20 friends, for example.....
The latest thing discovered yesterday is that you can not put more than 20 notes into your organizer. Well, 20 events I remember by my self, it is not necessarily to put them there. Why not more???
Considering these facts, I can tell you that is a beautiful phone and that's it .... is a BLONDE
- I
- Irfan
- YaG
- 07 Nov 2006
I have a few questions about this phone before I buy.. i used to use a razr and lost that, now im using an LG CU500 which is just ok... here are the gripes and let me know if these are present on the kg320 please:
Ringer ALWAYS fades in.. its not at full volume for half the rings and then i miss calls.
Voice on other end fades in when there is a silence... you miss the first word (also when its ringing on the other end each ring fades in)
Speakerphone? is it loud? handsfree?
Speaker.. is it loud? the CU500 is loud when calling a landline, but other cells are muted a lot more.
SMS: you cant go from ABC123T9 all with just hiting one button... to go to T9 or back to ABC mode, you need to go through a small menu which I hate doing, it really slows things down.
On the same line: does the T9 show the possible words at the bottom of the screen like in the RAZR and you can quickly scroll to what you want.. or can you only tap th * to flip to the next word? also.. with the Razr i could press 8 and the scroll to the "v" letter.. then the phone would make sure the word started with V.. with the CU500 i can choose the letter i want to start, but at the next button press it forgets this and goes back to using T U and V instead to start.
Does the name AND number show in the phonebook? what about when someone calls? name/picture and number? or just name and picture (if set).
static-y call quality? present on the cu500
poor reception? not too great on the cu500.. (and i have it forced to 2g mode).. also if i move from non-service area to a service area... it takes forever to register!
those are my main gripes with the CU500 ... if they are not present on the KG320 id be very very please and would get one this week.
camera quality and memory arent too concerning.. id just upload them to my PC if i needed to clear room.
How is the bluetooth? easy to transfer files?
Does it sync with outlook calendar?
Thanks to anyone that can help
- m
- mobile freak
- MsN
- 06 Nov 2006
i been hearing complaints about battery and speech quality from the other end is not loud enough even when set to full volume. battery life is acceptable because it's of low ampere rating. but can anyone tell me about the speech hearing quality. is it loud enough to hear the person's voice from the other end in the noisy places??? please someone give me your honest opinion. i appreciate in advance.
- j
- jay
- prj
- 06 Nov 2006
Well thats, in one way happy news but i don't like it esspecially when making calls. Anyway i'm satisfied with the device. 10X4help :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rxq
- 06 Nov 2006
Ok I think I see what you mean now, yes like louis stated, it's normal, mine does the same thing. Forget what I said before then. I guess if you want your screen to stay on longer, then you will have to change the backlight timer longer too, cause one follows the other.
- l
- louis
- 06 Nov 2006
jay, thats normal, my phone is the same.
after the backlight goes off, the screen will turn off around 2-3 seconds later
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rxq
- 06 Nov 2006
What's your setting under:
Display -> Backlight timer -> Display
If you're still having problem, then I'm running out of ideas.
About the heat problem, I've also posted this before. Anyway, I've exchanged this LG320 3 times, the first one was the worst, then the 2nd one was better, I only changed it again before the 2nd one has some problem with the vibration.
By the way, if you go exchange the phone, you should exchange the batteries too, cause that's what mostly causing the heat. I found out that it's mostly have to do with the battery, so maybe you just change the batteries and you'll be fine.
- j
- jules
- Rs{
- 06 Nov 2006
I just got this phone friday, i was so excited at first because it is so small and sleek. BUT i do not like the fact that because of the mp3 player it has a speaker on the back and everyone can hear your convo! not cool , that means you have to always talk with either the bluetooth or the ear piece. the earpiece that comes with phone is SO uncomfortable.
what do yo do with this tiny disc that came with the phone ? WHAT computer is that compatiable with ?
I am not satisified with the reception quality....the freebie phone they gave until i got this one had better reception.
OH LET ME NOT FORGET......when you talk for long time (20mins+) the phone gets a little hot, AND MY HEAD STARTS HURTING....i haven't seen anyone complain about that, PLEASE let me know if you have head pain on the side that you are talking on. TO ME, THAT IS DANGEROUS for that problem alone, I'm considering returning the phone. NOT TO MENTION I can NEVER get anyone who knows anything about this phone NOT EVEN LG !
so any help or advice, please email me ! PLLZZZZZ !
- j
- jay
- prj
- 06 Nov 2006
I have this mobile and my screen turns off 5 seconds after the background illumination goes off... is it the same with you?
"Power saving" is off. Please notice that i'm not talking about the background light going off but my screen that turns off!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rxq
- 06 Nov 2006
You must take a pic with 72x72 resolution setting in order to use it as caller pics.
The digital zoom is a bit tricky, you have to go to the camera setting menu to change the zoom, which isn't very convient.
No problem with signal.
To set pics from your PC as wallpaper, you must first transfer the pics from your PC to the "Others" folder in the phone. Putting in any other folder, the phone won't able to see the pics.
Turn off "Power saving" mode and you can also change the light-off time in settings.
- j
- jay
- prj
- 05 Nov 2006
I have this mobile and my screen turns off 5 seconds after the background illumination goes off... is it the same with you?