LG KU250
- c
- compala
- Uq4
- 14 May 2007
OMG LG has been infected with the same virus which infected Nokia. Now they are going in quantity not quality.
- K
- Kaneda Seihiro
- PAx
- 10 May 2007
I think it looks like LG 320 in the front, but may be a lot fatter. Anyway, it's about time someone thought of entry level priced phone for the 3G market. I hope they make even more affordable ones.
- b
- bagus
- 02 May 2007
i think it,s price about USD 100
- L
- Līgo
- mtq
- 21 Apr 2007
looks like sonyericsson k610i
- a
- arslan
- 07 Apr 2007
Great phone if reasonably priced...id love to buy it if its around US$120...design wise i love it....
- j
- jonny
- n4x
- 31 Mar 2007
wtf sony ericcson copy?
- G
- Galib_BD
- vLx
- 04 Mar 2007
WOW!they started copying sony ericson ! good job LG :'(
- a
- alex!!:)
- RN{
- 23 Feb 2007
this phone looks like a cheap copy of the sony k610i although i prefer this phe 2 the k610i
- ?
- Anonymous
- PZt
- 19 Feb 2007
if phone operators want people to use 3G services, they should lower their charges and make it more affordable to their subscriber and improve their service also. coming out with a cheap phone is a good start but that will not encourage people if the service charge are expensive. and from what i have seen and observe, cellphones are like a status symbol. people are willing to buy the more expensive ones like nokia's n-series phone rather than let say a cheaper sony ericson k-something. but they are not using the 3g services coz the charges are expensive.
- t
- toku
- ijA
- 14 Feb 2007
is this the phone that won the international manufacturers competition for a low cost entry level 3g phone??? if it is it should sell for less than $100.00 u.s. at least that was the goal, to make the cheapest 3g phone in the world and pass all the requirments of the world gsm council.
- c
- chuak
- wsU
- 14 Feb 2007
great~~~~~~~~~ looks like nokia