LG M4410
- ?
- Anonymous
- MfA
- 18 Jul 2005
to the person who was currently using T5100,
whats the video recording length for the LG T5100.
- a
- adam
- mH2
- 18 Jul 2005
can u have this phone with 3g so u can download all the footy vidoes?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 16 Jul 2005
LG M4410 is one of the best, i would consider to buy one. Curently using T5100. The only 1 reason to buy is because the easy to use functions. Well Done LG!
- v
- virtual1
- mBx
- 14 Jul 2005
Has the phone the hands free speaker function?
Do you know when the phone will be available?
- f
- farrukh
- M{3
- 11 Jul 2005
Folks tell me how can i be the first customer to bye this phone, it is a collecters item.
- b
- bl
- mq4
- 07 Jul 2005
this is a deadly phone way better than any samsung which is hated by the younger market i know as im 15 and all my friends like lg and hate samsung also everyone wont have the phone unlike a nokia which everyone has
- t
- taz
- m1Q
- 03 Jul 2005
ppl can ne1 tell me when this phones is going to be available in the market its been a while since LG has announced this phone n all the hype but no news as to when ???
- P
- Phone freak
- TKb
- 02 Jul 2005
come one..this phone looks cool.. by the way..samsung..is a $$$ sucking phone.. the functions sux and the price is too high..
- R
- Ryan
- 4U9
- 01 Jul 2005
lol.. wut a noob.
LG in GSM phone cannot compete Samsung.
LG's CDMA phones are ok (but still not as good as Samsung's CDMA phones) but in when it comes to GSM.. LG sux. I don't know what you're talking about. And Samsung is known for having the strongest well built phones.
(there's even a story that a 1t truck stepped on the phone and the person thought it was broken but it still worked)
- n
- nick
- jUQ
- 30 Jun 2005
GEEZE!!! how can a Samsung EVER compete with an LG. I MEAN THIS THING LOOKS LIKE A FREAKIN PORSCHE! only good thing Samsung is good for is shattering whenever you bump it.
- R
- Ryan
- 4U9
- 30 Jun 2005
LOL who said it is better than Samsung???
LG in GSM market is not doing as good as Samsung. Take a look at the screen resolution... Samsung D600 (out in August)
has QVGA screen, better camera (2 MP), and the best video quality(out of any brand).
- L
- Luke
- iLV
- 29 Jun 2005
Ash, it was "inspired" by Porsche; not designed by them. If you read my comment below -you cannot compare a phone that as yet does not exist with current models. By the time this is available, Samsung will be one step ahead, on top of which the only noticable technical difference between this and the currently available Samsung E730 is an expandable memory slot.
- A
- Al
- jHN
- 28 Jun 2005
Will it be available for Cingular? Could someone tell me?
- a
- ash
- M{3
- 28 Jun 2005
Its much much better than any model from samsung available in the market.... Its designed by porsche!!!!!!!!!!!
- L
- Luke
- iLV
- 28 Jun 2005
...more like the E730 -does anyone know which is better. This has expandable memory which has to be a plus, but then again this phone isn't available yet, so you cannot really compare future phones with current models.
- w
- woteva
- RN$
- 27 Jun 2005
do people think its just a bit too much like the samsung e720??? coz its kinda the same!!! dam copy!!
- W
- Wow
- F4p
- 25 Jun 2005
build in memory size 2mb
expandable memory using sd card
- L
- Luke
- iLV
- 24 Jun 2005
Yes, thisi has a slightly better spec than the M4300 -you can check this using the compare feature.
- b
- bargain babe
- yE6
- 24 Jun 2005
Is this phone better then the LG M4300?? and when is it going to be released in Australia??.... cause i'm looking for a new and good phone...does anyone know?
- ?
- Anonymous
- MfA
- 24 Jun 2005
cory the new on asia cnet says that this phone will be release on july 2005 in asia not in u.s.a this means that you have to wait.