LG Optimus 2X

LG Optimus 2X

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  • j
  • jasonlks
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  • 27 Dec 2010

Dainius, 25 Dec 2010I can't believe that LG Optimus 2X doesn't have a JAVA........ moresad... no phone is perfect =(

    • W
    • Wave
    • mv8
    • 27 Dec 2010

    Optmius 2X does have Java-support, because ARM Cortex-A9 have these two features who support it: One is called "Jazelle DBX" and is support for Java execution, and the other one "Jazelle RCT".

    If you read this link, you will understand what I mean: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazelle_RCT#Thumb_Execution_Environment_.28ThumbEE.29

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Jxb
      • 27 Dec 2010

      Jørn H, 26 Dec 2010Why is it so important to have 12 mpix camera in a mobile p... moreI agree. i still have my dad's old camera and it still takes better pictures than some modern day cameras. it only has 2 mega pixels but the quality is amazing. Having a 12 mega pixel on a phone i think is funny. Nobody uses their phone to take pictures when on a vacation. people still buy cameras. u wont use an N8 to take pictures in Hawaii. All that mega pixels is really unnecessary.

        • J
        • Jørn H
        • ssU
        • 26 Dec 2010

        Taha, 24 Dec 2010What is it with smartphones and their hate of cameras? 12mp... moreWhy is it so important to have 12 mpix camera in a mobile phone? Do you often print your pictures in A3 or A2 formats? Are you aware that full HD resolution is only about 2 mpix? What's important is the optics and the picture quality, not if its 8 or 12 mpix.

          • J
          • John
          • 4W6
          • 26 Dec 2010

          Here Guys Dimensions:

          The device itself measures 115.2 x 58.6 x 9.3 mm and weighs in at 137 grams.

            • N
            • NH
            • mv8
            • 26 Dec 2010

            saurav, 26 Dec 2010see, now a days even 1500MAH battery are not able to run on... moreu know that this phone has dual core, which means it will save batterytime a lot?

              • N
              • NH
              • mv8
              • 26 Dec 2010

              Dainius, 25 Dec 2010I can't believe that LG Optimus 2X doesn't have a JAVA........ moreIt's kind of odd that GSM Arena don't do some research a bit better! The phones CPU is an ARM Cortex-A9, which can handle Java as well. You see, the CPU has something called "Jazelle DBX" who support Java , and also "Jazelle RCT for JIT complilation".

              More about this here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jazelle_RCT#Thumb_Execution_Environment_.28ThumbEE.29

              "ThumbEE is a target for languages such as Limbo, Java, C#, Perl and Python, and allows JIT compilers to output smaller compiled code without impacting performance."

              So yes, this phone HAS Java! Obviously GSM Arena didn't made their homework this time properly.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 3Iq
                • 26 Dec 2010

                why some people in gsmarena say this is bad if this is bad why any company donot use dual core proccesor and 1080 recording //shame of nokia

                  • s
                  • saurav
                  • v{N
                  • 26 Dec 2010

                  Taha, 24 Dec 2010What is it with smartphones and their hate of cameras? 12mp... moresee, now a days even 1500MAH battery are not able to run one full day.Now, a good camera & flashlight takes lot of energy from the battery.so they are probably trying to mean the phones more interesting on the internet,OS & processor side .

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • t7K
                    • 26 Dec 2010

                    Anonymous, 26 Dec 2010"What is it with smartphones and their hate of cameras... moreJust buy a low to mid-end phone then coupled it with a great digicam and you'll be a happy camper.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • kcU
                      • 26 Dec 2010

                      Taha, 24 Dec 2010What is it with smartphones and their hate of cameras? 12mp... more"What is it with smartphones and their hate of cameras? 12mp was made ages ago yet this generation is still stuck on 5."
                      --> hopefully some ppl r beginning to realize that the megapixel count doesn't link directly with the quality of the camera. To prove this point compare an 8 mpx dedicated camera to a 12 mpx phone. Unless u r editing pictures a 12mpx picture is useless. 1080p is almost 2.1 mpx. So why do u want more mpx? Besides there r camera phones for that. But if u rly do care about the quality of the picture don't take pictures with ur phone. A phone is meant to call ppl, not take outstanding photos.

                      "Lg has stepped up to 8 now but still not having a dedicated camera button and camera cover, I mean WTF!"
                      --> perhaps instead of hving a dedicated camera key it foucuses where u touch the screen. This feature can be more useful than the autofocus or fixed focus on some phones. I remember a few phones that did hv a camera cover and usually the cover stopped working if was automatic or easily got damaged if it was manual. Also there is a solution. Nowadays ppl can put all sorts of cases on their phones to prevent parts of them from getting scratched or damaged. If u r the type of person who damages their phones, get a ruggedized phone instead. I think u wud be more careful with this phone if u spend more money on it.

                      " It was invented 10 years ago, yet every new touchscreen phone leaves it out (apart from the x10)"
                      Camera phones back then were not mass market or comercially available. They were VGA at best and did not hv covers. The cover for the lens was popular on the Sony ericsson cybershot series so I'm guessing u owned those. Also the x10 doesn't hv a 12mpx cam nor a cover for it's camera. If ur talking about it being the only touchscreen phone with a dedicated camera button, ur still wrong. Samsung pixon comes to mind and Lg viewty...

                        • D
                        • Dainius
                        • m5N
                        • 26 Dec 2010

                        Dante, 25 Dec 2010What's this then? [IMG]http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadg... moreBut here different LG model, it's a LG-P990.

                          • a
                          • anonymouse
                          • w4e
                          • 25 Dec 2010

                          does this phone make coffee????

                            • D
                            • Dante
                            • mv8
                            • 25 Dec 2010

                            Dainius, 25 Dec 2010I can't believe that LG Optimus 2X doesn't have a JAVA........ moreSry, but here comes the full link:


                            Yes, it DOES have support for DivX!

                              • D
                              • Dante
                              • mv8
                              • 25 Dec 2010

                              Dainius, 25 Dec 2010I can't believe that LG Optimus 2X doesn't have a JAVA........ moreWhat's this then?


                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • n2U
                                • 25 Dec 2010

                                "Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and fields" senseless spec.

                                Google can only hold somewhere between 7000-12000 contacts. Also synchronization is becoming a lottery then.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • iFr
                                  • 25 Dec 2010

                                  Anonymous, 24 Dec 2010lg succks always...dont buy this crap..better buy samsung o... moreLet people decide for themselves which is better for their use, you can't make all the world happy with your phone!

                                    • D
                                    • Dainius
                                    • m5N
                                    • 25 Dec 2010

                                    I can't believe that LG Optimus 2X doesn't have a JAVA.....
                                    Also very pity that no DivX player.

                                      • P
                                      • Passerby
                                      • 4GE
                                      • 24 Dec 2010

                                      Having a dual core processor makes it more energy efficient, plus the Tegra 2 Dual core chip was designed with an energy efficient GPU. I personnaly have an upgrade coming up in January and glad I missed the Iphone 4 hype. This WILL be my next phone.

                                        • T
                                        • Taha
                                        • 32P
                                        • 24 Dec 2010

                                        What is it with smartphones and their hate of cameras? 12mp was made ages ago yet this generation is still stuck on 5. Lg has stepped up to 8 now but still not having a dedicated camera button and camera cover, I mean WTF! It was invented 10 years ago, yet every new touchscreen phone leaves it out (apart from the x10)