LG U400
- ?
- Anonymous
- MZb
- 13 Nov 2006
you could just use keylock which will activate after a set (user defined) amount of time. this will mean that you will have to press a key combination to activate the keypad.
- J
- 12 Nov 2006
does this phone have a hold button that prevents you from accidently pressing buttons when you are listening to songs? like those *hold* buttons on walkmans and mp3 players?
please reply because i am considering to buy this phone!
thank you!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 04 Nov 2006
any problems with your phone within 28days contact the suplier, if you have this on contract with 3 they will fix the phone and the turn around for you to get your handset back is pretty good compainred to some maufacterors
- d
- deak
- 04 Nov 2006
thanks for letting me know abaout the speaker, the Lg phone os probably the best phone i have had, its all the modern features and its smart. ideal for any young person, Can't Go Wrong, Check the webiste i have stated below, pleasae post feedback about the Website
- A
- Alvin
- fuN
- 04 Nov 2006
i've got my LG KG800 about 2 months ago and every was fine until the back light of the keypad decided to turn off. i've tried everyting but its still not working. can anyone help? please.
- ?
- Anonymous
- MZb
- 03 Nov 2006
loud speaker is activated by holidng down the 'c' key
- r
- raufy
- 2Z3
- 02 Nov 2006
lg u400 is a stylish phone and the slide make the phone look awesome.
- J
- Joanna
- xK1
- 02 Nov 2006
Hi I gotta troubles. I bought it 3 days ago and cannot put any mp3;/ I don't know how to format the memory card (it is written that external memory is unformatted);/ Please anybody help me!!!
- s
- simone
- P%M
- 01 Nov 2006
How reliable are LG phones, what phones would you recomend for a 18 year old girl as a present?
- d
- deak
- 01 Nov 2006
i have the LGu400 and i havnt yet been able to find the handsfree option IE Loudspeaker,to the person in Singapor, you may be abke to Sim free the handset but as far as i am this is only available on the network 3, please see phoneboxdirect cracking offer's
- B
- Blake Zakovec
- 4s7
- 23 Oct 2006
I love this phone it is the coolest phone I ever saw but never toughed.
- b
- bob
- mye
- 21 Oct 2006
has this phone got a tv in it?
- K
- Kochels
- PU5
- 20 Oct 2006
Hi just wanna ask if anyone knows when it is going to be launched in singapore? And heard that u can only use the 3g function through the 3 network. Will it apply the same to singapore since i have nvr heard of 3 network in singapore before. Thx.
- w
- wan
- nx{
- 16 Oct 2006
how do you get rid of that menu bar across the bottom????? (active standby as nokia calls it.) E-mail me please
- o
- obviously
- Y15
- 12 Oct 2006
Yup, that's what a digital zoom is designed to do.
- S
- Skue
- 2CC
- 12 Oct 2006
I have this phone and I love it. It definately takes more than 512Mb of Micro SD Memory, becauseI use a 1G.
And of course it has MP3... there's no phone worth buying these days that doesn't have MP3!
- m
- mr_kak
- CV}
- 10 Oct 2006
this phone has 4x digital zoom, but you should know that digital zoom is a complete waste of time...
it doesn't actually zoom in and give you a better view, it just blows up an area, with no increase in quality.
basically, it is like taking a picture with your digital camera, then going home and blowing the picture up in photoshop... you're only making the image more pixellated
digital zoom is just a marketing tool, used by camera/phone manufacturers to make it sound like their phones have more features... unless your phone has optical zoom, (and i haven't yet seen a phone that does) then don't worry about it... it makes no difference whether the phone has digital zoom or not
- ?
- Anonymous
- M5Z
- 09 Oct 2006
Has ir got an fm radio?
- T
- Trypanosomiasis
- nEB
- 07 Oct 2006
Oh, and to answer a couple of questions, the phone DOES have a zoom option...but there is only one level of magnifiction...x1 - DOH! The phone is triband though.
- T
- Trypanosomiasis
- nEB
- 07 Oct 2006
The scroll wheel function on this phone isn't the best, and this is particularly clear when you are nevigating the menu as the wheel will sometimes scroll through two options with one movement, while on other occasions you can move the wheel two or three notches and it won't have scrolled through one option on the menu! Great idea, but poor implementation!