LG U8180
- g
- gaby
- nyf
- 15 Nov 2005
it's a good phone but multimedia transfer doesen't work so good because the irda doesen't work ! why? regards
- R
- Robby
- 15 Nov 2005
this best phone i got it yesterday if anyone wants to no any thing ask me
- k
- katyusa
- M{d
- 14 Nov 2005
hi 2 all.It`s a good phone but i have problems with this phone!!!
i can`t connect to pc???
can pls some one help me with that
my email:kironashu_777@yahoo.com
- n
- nigel
- 2B4
- 12 Nov 2005
the only thing wrong with gthing is that it will only work with your phone and your phone's imei number
- S
- Schumi
- mYH
- 12 Nov 2005
So...you can transfer images...sounds...videos...from the computer to the cell phone...and from the cell phone to the computer.With gthing you can even transfer games and applications..
About the sms...at first i saw too the speed is very slow...but after a mounth my u8180 is very fast :)
- N
- Nigel
- 2B4
- 12 Nov 2005
open your LG phone manager, on the top left hand side of your screen click the connect tab (2 plugs joined)in your menu tree you will see, Animations, Audios, Images, Video, Voice recorder double click on images, that will now show contents on your right hand screen, right click & hold image & drag it to a folder on the left hand menu tree, image now on your computer.
- s
- stefan
- ii9
- 12 Nov 2005
this is the best mobile ever
- J
- Jayde
- 12 Nov 2005
Hey i could be buying this phone and i just wanna know if its a good phone?? and if not whats a good phone that has a camera and is a flip phone and also has mp3 player thingy on it lol sorry i dont know much about phones haha
- D
- Dejan
- SwH
- 11 Nov 2005
This phone is verryyy slow when I type messages.
What shall I do? It came with s/w: U8180_V11e
Can it be tweaked so that I can increase typing speed?
T9 works fine, but I need “normal” text entry.
How does it work with 8138 software?
Plz help.
- m
- marjan
- iGg
- 11 Nov 2005
how to upload games to my phone lg u8180?
- A
- Alexandra
- MCs
- 10 Nov 2005
I have just received this phone as a gift and i love it...the only problem is that i can't send and receive throw irda...can anyone help me?
- P
- Pop
- mAS
- 10 Nov 2005
Just got my phone but am unable to get my photos off of it onto my pc help needed.
- P
- P aul Lock
- SY0
- 07 Nov 2005
I have an LG8110 and all the adverse comments apply to that model as well. nice phone to look at and listen to, but anything else FORGET IT!!!!! Try Nokia.
- T
- Tom
- Pxv
- 05 Nov 2005
i just bought this phone a couple of days ago and i am very very happy with it. everything is working fine and i got the USB conection working to the computer(it's quite easy). The only worry i have at all is the battery life, i have to charge it roughly every 3 days which is quite often... how often do other users have to charge their phone??
- a
- amrmons
- MDb
- 02 Nov 2005
U8180 software nearly doesn't exist on the internet,i flashed it with U8138 then i used the 8138 driver, it worked..for Installing Java Games you need "GThing" new version otherwise it will connect then close, try different com ports (e.g, WMC Device management port), when connecting the phone it has to be activated (not idle). nearly all games from Nokia and siemens worked, except some application which needs to access the file system. That's it.
- L
- Laura
- AeI
- 02 Nov 2005
I've heard some stuff about this phone. Is it true that you can't get pictures from it onto your PC? And is the 3 network crap coz I might buy this phone and I just wanna be 100% sure before I do. Any comments would be greatful.
Is 3 worth it?
- L
- Lennice
- PTu
- 31 Oct 2005
i need help everything someone call me it comes up with no caller id how do i put caller id on?? please help
- T
- Tom
- Pxv
- 28 Oct 2005
what is everybody saying about recording ulimited? what does it mean? and how do i do it?
- S
- Schumi
- mYH
- 27 Oct 2005
I can tell you that you can record unlimited...is there the option...and i don't know why...but i can connect my lg u8180 to the computer very easy.Only get the usb into the phone..install the application from cd...open the application...and push the button connect...it's very simple.
- K
- Kirsten
- Uip
- 25 Oct 2005
Cannot download photos / videos to my PC. I have contacted LG,3, phone stores and no-one can tell me how to do this.
Can anyone help - This seems to be a major problem worldwide with this phone !!