Mitsubishi Trium xs
- m
- micaela
- 29 Oct 2001
- S
- Stormy
- 05 Aug 2001
what is the difference between the Trium xs and the Trium Mars? They look the same and they have exactly the same data i just dont know how they are different.
- s
- sri
- 24 May 2001
it's a good handset. Need more logos & ringtones.If any website, pls let me know.
- N
- Nanda
- 23 May 2001
Just to find out whether is there any possible way to download the menu graphics for the Mitsubishi Trium XS. If yes, please tell me the web link or provide some information on that. Thank You for ur cooperation
- N
- Nikola
- 17 May 2001
I want to download ringtones and more logos.I need help.
- a
- akish
- 18 Mar 2001
it is and good looking.
I can't find the calculator inside. Limited ringtones on the web. If there are any, please mail me.
- V
- Valdemar Sarmento
- 23 Jan 2001
I like it but i want to download more logos .
I need help!
- s
- sam gardiner
- 23 Jan 2001
this is the best phone ive had and for the money it should be in evevryones pocket