Yet another round of layoffs at Microsoft to affect 2,850 people

Himanshu, 29 July, 2016

After massive job cuts last year, Microsoft has announced another round of layoffs. While the earlier number stood at over 7,000, the Redmond, Washington-based company is cutting approximately 2,850 roles this time.

"In addition to the elimination of 1,850 positions that were announced in May 2016, approximately 2,850 roles globally will be reduced during the year as an extension of the earlier plan, and these actions are expected to be completed by the end of fiscal year 2017," Microsoft said in its latest filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

While last year's lay offs largely affected those associated with the company's phone business, there's no such information this time around. Reports say around 900 of those being let go are from the software giant's sales group.

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Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 31 Jul 2016
  • vMf

Google will always be no 1 cannot beat it, I wouldn't use a windows phone only because people will laugh at me say what is that thing?.

  • Anonymous
  • 31 Jul 2016
  • JxW

Dead Truly Dead.

  • Anonymous
  • 31 Jul 2016
  • vMf

Explains why windows 10 phone/ PC is dreadful.. 1 man show.

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