Motorola A1200
- J
- Jeff
- 4TS
- 15 Mar 2006
I just bought this phone a week ago with T-mobile and I need the Tzones settings. If i get tzones can i surf the web and view full webpages? What are the settings? can someone please respond back or email me at Thanks! Also when i get voicemails i receive a text message instead of a voicemail notification. Can someone tell me how to change that? thanks again
- v
- vetteman
- 4D9
- 14 Mar 2006
I purchased this phone on ebay a few days ago. I can't find out how or if to use this device without a bluetooth ear piece or equivalent? There is a speakerphone and will work that way to answer a phone call, but I don't want to have to wear a damn earpiece just to answer a private phone call!
Anybody have a comment?
- T
- Tom
- UAi
- 12 Mar 2006
Yeah, I have also examined the real phone close-up. It is a very beautiful phone, finely scuptured with attention to detail. Absolutely a high-end phone the moment you see it. Moto did a great job designing this phone. Not too sure about the Linux OS, features and battery life though. 312MHz is also a bit on the slow side. Low benchmark numbers. The photo and video quality is lousy even though it has a 2MP camera. Come on, only 176x144 resolution video capture??? The business card OCR via the built-in camera is a very nice feature though. Overall it is a Consumer oriented design with features for Business users and poor multimedia performance. Very confusing.
- ?
- Anonymous
- TBn
- 11 Mar 2006
i just bought this phone n i like it. i dont think its so bad like u guys think.n 'bout the memory,its not 8Mb but its around 16Mb.
- W
- Win
- PWx
- 11 Mar 2006
I've touched the real one, its design's incredibly beautiful. It's more nice than the picture shown really! The Material used's so nice too. Moreover, the Screen's so shape than any moto ever! This's quite great. I also was using A768, the old linux moto one, it was great. This far, it'd provied the all the needed programs such MSN i've seen and it's able for Java2. I think beautifully it's ok. I like its design!
- W
- Win
- PWx
- 11 Mar 2006
I've touch the real one, its design's incredibly beautiful. It's more nice than the picture shown really! Moreover, the Screen's so shape. This's quite ok. I also was using A768, the old linux moto one, it was great. It's provied the needed programs and it's able for Java2. I think it's so ok beautifully
- ?
- Anonymous
- TBc
- 11 Mar 2006
I am in China, and the phone is RMB4500=US$550. Not very many people in China read english websites, they have their own Chinese cell phone sites....
- M
- Monto Joe
- mcu
- 10 Mar 2006
motorola is the best phone in town since discovery of phones and it still at the top. motorola has been the most special and quality phone i have ever wanted to use.
- h
- heloo sir
- Y7$
- 28 Feb 2006
memory to much
- E
- EBAYer
- 4qW
- 27 Feb 2006
Is it true that this phone is set to replace Blackberrys?
I do not want to buy this phone if everyone in the country has it.
- A
- Asuka
- U3N
- 27 Feb 2006
not enough internal memory for programs and files. not worthwhile. E68i, although bigger, has much more memory
- d
- doctor
- 25 Feb 2006
no edge ? no 3g? cummon moto...!
- S
- Sumit
- PTm
- 18 Feb 2006
Memory very less...
- j
- jo
- Pv9
- 18 Feb 2006
motorola is a american company btw.
so the blond comment actually hitted the spot XD
- N
- Nick
- n2F
- 16 Feb 2006
I have A925 and A 1000 (you know what that means)and i was exciting to get this one...
but sorry,is not enough for anybody who use smart phones.To bad...there are many phones smarter comparing with this one.NICK -Romania
- R
- Remy
- 4KY
- 15 Feb 2006
This phone is just a joke. I can't believe that a phone of such low quality thinks it can get by on looks alone. Another dumb blonde if you ask me.
- L
- PF8
- 15 Feb 2006
too bad,just 8 MB internal memory? -_-
i wonder if there're game buttons too
- S
- So7t
- mfM
- 15 Feb 2006
Moto sucks !!! they simply dont provide tools to developers , like symbian does or windows!!! If you email Moto asking for the code (Linux= Open Source) they simply ignore you!! MOTO SUCKS!!!
- M
- Motorola A 1200
- PFg
- 14 Feb 2006
I think this phone model is great.
- E
- EBAYer
- 4qW
- 14 Feb 2006
Does this phone have AD2P bluetooth profile. (So it can connect to the Moto HT820 Bluetooth headphone)