Motorola A925
- M
- Maciek Wilkos
- QVr
- 27 Aug 2005
Hi. As for all the lock codes, I believe that you might need a PUK code. You would have to call customer service from your service provider and ask them for it. You will never be able to guess that number, as it is related to your SIM card.
Hope it helps.
- s
- sharlemagne
- iZk
- 08 Aug 2005
tom tom mobile 5 would work for gps i think if it a925 can fit a 256 sd card?
if not then there is always has a gps system that aloow you to down load maps free the software has a beta version until the 15 and then it will cost $20.00
- m
- mehrdad
- TuE
- 02 Aug 2005
hi guys
i have bought 2nd hand motorola a925 today and i want to know how does the gps service work on it?do i have buy something to connect for gps port(on the back).
and i eaither did not found the exact price of this cell phone over the internet.any body there can tell me that?
and i found that the password:0000 or 1234 works.
- B
- Badwan
- M{3
- 30 Jul 2005
i have a motorola a925 im using it for two days and it suddenly in handset locked it keep asking for password but i never put password in it . I tried browsing the manual but cant find the answer.. Please be of help
- J
- John Begood
- jJ%
- 26 Jul 2005
You might need to get it flashed. Should be free.
- F
- Ferdinand
- P%u
- 25 Jul 2005
i have a motorola a925 im using it for two days and it suddenly in handset locked it keep asking for password but i never put password in it . I tried brwsing the manual but cant find the answer.. Please be of help
- M
- Marcelo Wong
- PjY
- 24 Jul 2005
Please, it´s possible to install the windows mobile in this phone and the gps service is free?
- Y
- YD
- ijJ
- 23 Jul 2005
I bought A925 last week in delhi. This is indeed a best phone, i have ever come across. I am using it with 512MB chip. So working as Music Juke box, Photo & offcourse Phone. Lately i m facing problem in charging the phone. It shows, charger not found, inspite of it being there. Can Somebody help out .. .
- N
- Nav
- 45Q
- 22 Jul 2005
I have seen a few postings about the A925 and the Handset being locked, but as yet, I have not found the solution/password. I bought this phone 2nd hand from a seller on eBay, and it worked fine for 1 day. While listening to MP3s, it suddenly froze/hung - and I was unable to get it to work.
I had to power it down, by removing the battery. Ever since then, it states that the Handset is locked, and keeps asking me for a password. I have not set any - and neither did the previous owner. I have tried various combinations, but nothing worked so far.
Can someone please help me?
- e
- erwin
- PF$
- 20 Jul 2005
did anybody know where to buy a new a925 batery, because mine have to charge every 3 hours.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mYd
- 27 Jun 2005
can enybody tell me how can i decode my phone it is a a925 and it has a phone code does enybody know any factory code for this phone or for any motorola phones
please send me a mail on
- S
- Sumeet Rikhy
- 2Z7
- 27 Jun 2005
Good phone. Batt is really low. I dont have an english manual. Please email me incase anyone knows where i can get it.
- A
- Ajay
- mAR
- 24 Jun 2005
hi, i have a motorola A925, i bought it on second hand, i have been using it for a month now, and yesterday out of nowere it showed me " hanset locked " end to enter the handset password, it sais it is password protected, but i didn't install a password and neither did the previos owner. Can anyone please help me, if you know a universal password for unlocking the menu, because i can still receive calls...
- J
- John
- mt4
- 16 Jun 2005
Hy, I have one "Motorola A925" and is good ...... you can have fun on it! But is a lil` big for me!
- C
- Chief Executive KB M
- PSe
- 12 Jun 2005
guys beleive me this is the most sexy set ever produced by Motorolla.I think with this pace Motorolla can lead the market and can be trend setters.
- S
- Steven
- myA
- 10 Jun 2005
It's most likely a network provider issue. Check with your network that the message centre number is completely correct. Ensure that the mobile number you are trying to send to is correct also.
If the above fails, try a different SIM card with the same network operator in your handset and test it this way.
If the other SIM works fine it shows a problem with that SIM. If that SIM doesn't send messages succesfully, use another SIM card with a different network operator - obviously this will rule out the network should it prove false.
- s
- sachin
- PGj
- 10 Jun 2005
hi i have a motorola a925.
i am not able to send sms. i have checked the message centre number. i have got my connection checked. each time i send a sms it gets failed
- R
- Ryan Gupta
- 4H0
- 09 Jun 2005
I just bought the Motorola A925 phone and am unable to place calls or receive calls. The phone does not show any network services available. I have Cingular wireless service. Can anyone please help.
- d
- david
- AeF
- 30 May 2005
Can u please tell me if the a925 can someone tell me if u can send pictures through bleutooth and if it has zoom. please reply soon
- A
- Aluko Oluwaseun
- RX{
- 27 May 2005
thot the A835 was the best deal in mobile telephony until i tumbled with theA925. its kinda cool with all the great features. why go for SE p900/910? mere waste of bucks. fix a 1g MC in your A925 and i tell you- whateva you've got in your house, i've got it in my cellie!