Motorola d520
- d
- dennis o'neil punya
- TS$
- 14 Jan 2007
everything "NO"!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- iwX
- 21 Dec 2006
10m.p camera and 10 gb memory waaaaaaaaah
- A
- Alchish
- MuL
- 01 Nov 2006
my first phone ever .i had it for nearly 3 years .it dropped in water once but worked for another 3 months till it died. much respect!!
- K
- Kami
- m7H
- 22 Aug 2006
My sister had this phone years ago and it was the most unreliable piece of junk I've ever seen. It frequently lost connection even in areas where my first phone (a horrible ancient Nokia) kept fantastic reception on the same network, it had atrocious battery life and couldn't be relied on not to switch itself off at random - and usually deeply inconvenient! - times!
The best use for this badly-engineered and outdated piece of equipment is as a doorstop or burglar deterrent. It's an electronic shambles.
Don't be fooled into thinking this will provide you with reliable communications access. It won't.
- K
- King Kong
- 2@q
- 27 Jul 2006
dabadabadab!!!...i have this phone (growl),i use it to messege Ann Darrow. Yoooooeeeee!
This was my first phone ever!i have a lot of fond memories of my phone...dare u say anything to this phone, i shall climb yr roof top and do a tribal dance while listening to MP4 songs on my moto..i stared in a remake of a movie solely shot on shoots dvd quality videos.
- ?
- Anonymous
- iIR
- 04 Jul 2006
C'mon people thinka bout what you're saying this phone was proberbly the best thing ever when it came out, but since 1998 was 8 years ago.....
- t
- t3ch_1337
- i20
- 18 Jun 2006
gosh i love this phone! i found it while i was hunting bushpigs, and have had it ever since. its the sturdiest phone ever! i've lost count of how many times i've dropped the phone, and it still works perfectly! no loss in camera quality or sound. and the antenna! man is it handy. theres no need for discretion when im in public, if i need to pick my nose or scratch my itchy bottom, i just whip out the antenna!
some time last week sony ericsson offered me a trial test the k800 and said that after the 3 week period i could keep the phone, but i did not hesitate for a moment and told them "i'm happy with my phone and i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!"
- m
- mikaldo
- mHp
- 21 May 2006
i was wondering if i could get a memory card for this fone. by the way, what megapixel does this camers hav i think its at least 3.
do you recomend i trade in my nokia N93 for this fone
- m
- mohammed zain shnan
- jJq
- 15 Mar 2006
all service for people good
- C
- Cardiff crew
- MBh
- 07 Feb 2006
Thers a few uses for this phone:
1-Use it as a dust collector,as in leave it in a top draw (like i do) and see how much dust it collects over 5 years.
2-use it to get rid of ur annoying girlfreind without dumping her,the minute she sees u whip this out ya pocket,if shes got any sense she'l scarper.
3-Its size and weight means it can be doubled up as an offensive
4-Take it down ur local market and see if u can husle a fiver for parts.
5-Use it as a football
6-Take it apart and try and work out how a phone works (if your a blatent geek)
7-use it to dial 999 in an extreme emergency.nah infact dont even use it for that.
8-try flogging it to some muppet for 600 australian dollars and tell the buyer it has a camera.ha ha ha.
9-Take it to a shooting range and use it for target practice.
10-or finally and the most convenient one: just bin it.
- S
- SE Supporter
- 09 Nov 2005
haha there is some1 actually stupid enuff to pay $600 aus for this phone n think that there is camera + it is a damn bloody mono phone OMFG....
- j
- james
- pYx
- 04 Nov 2005
bob the builder can he fix it........
...... of course he can its a brick!
- R
- Roberto
- mbE
- 04 Nov 2005
Hey, I have one of these.
It's the worst phone I've ever had. Since I used this I ran away from motorola phones.
- l
- lame
- mNZ
- 01 Aug 2005
It was my first phone :) it was great in the begening of 90' but now it is just rubish
- ?
- Anonymous
- UiR
- 11 Jul 2005
please help!!! i just bought this phone second hand. i paid $600 australian dollars for it. i'm trying to find the camera.. im beginning to wonder does this phone even have a camera?? btw this phone is the coolest eva!! it is wonderful. sometimes it switches itself off and the battery has to be recharged about every 6 hrs. but its a really nice design. smaller than my last phone.. i like small phones
- H
- Harris
- B$F
- 10 Jul 2005
nice phone...does it run on gas or....
- j
- jonny McNab
- ShL
- 18 May 2005
this phone has a coal fire attached to power it it uses more fuel than a steam train however it has an awsum performace and can only just fit in my car boot so it is awsum
- M
- Marian
- mAW
- 12 Apr 2005
It was my first mobile. It cost my a lot of money in 1999 but It still working today(2005) for my father.
Good phone.
- k
- katie
- mFy
- 08 Apr 2005
Apparently this phone is worth a fortune now (according to vibe fm)!
- T
- Thomas Ediaison iiii
- DVq
- 07 Mar 2005
This fone has came along way from the phonograph my famaly made iin the 1600s but i think this is the star fone of all times