- ?
- Anonymous
- L6Z
- 06 Dec 2010
way way waY beter than x10 or desire
thx motorola
now i must buy milestone 2
- 1
- 100 Moto
- Er2
- 06 Dec 2010
pete, 04 Dec 2010God Bless the R&D Department of Motorola (with the guid... moreI really don't understand why so many people complain about the V3's. I have a V3maxx, V3 imode, V3x, K3, K1, V6....they are all STILL working after nearly 3~4 years.
I've been using my Milestone since Feb this year and not a single problem at all.
- h
- harminder s
- vGS
- 05 Dec 2010
ramin, 04 Dec 2010this is the iphone killer!
but not x10 killer!
x10 for no... moreX 10 is still on 1.6
milestone at 2.2
X 10 poor sound quality
Milestone have great sound quality
- S
- TL5
- 05 Dec 2010
Hey Guys ,
i want use my milesstone as wireless modem, whats the solutions tell me guys
- F
- FiRez
- 04 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 30 Nov 2010Does the screen automatically turns to landscape mode witho... moreYes, it does
- F
- FiRez
- 04 Dec 2010
emo18, 30 Nov 2010how can I upgrade my milestone to v2.2 in Central America...?? You've to install cyanogenmod 6 or wait until the OTA update is available (Q1 2011), I'm in Honduras using TIGO and I already updated it to 2.2, obviously this isn't the official rom but you get the advantages of 2.2 very early
- p
- pete
- 2SN
- 04 Dec 2010
God Bless the R&D Department of Motorola (with the guiding aid of Google) in creating this beautiful mobile whose specs finally sound like it means business. I've had many moto phones and quite simply, the whole "razr-fad" was getting to me and so i moved forward to the Nokia Corp as their phones are undeniably study and most of them have a wide array of connectivity options. Their prices are reasonable too. After reading about this phone, i wont say that i'll be leaving my Nokia groupies.... but atleast Motorola has created a mobile to grab my attention. Hope to see more of this from the company as they strive to regain their spot as one of the top mobile companies. NIce Comeback guys!
!!!!!!!!!!Congrats to Motorola & Google!!!!!!!!!!!
- r
- ramin
- 2SN
- 04 Dec 2010
this is the iphone killer!
but not x10 killer!
x10 for now is the best because of
1 ghz cpu
4 inch screen with better demension
stereo speakers
secondary camera
32 GB internal memory
DLNA sharing
- r
- robert
- LJ5
- 03 Dec 2010
as I can buy this phone ?, what are the steps I have to do to buy it and bring it to Venezuela
- m
- murali
- 2SN
- 03 Dec 2010
hi evryone!!!!
i live in india, and my brother wants to buy me a mobile from singapore, since he is working there. I've asked for the milestone, since i find it sooo fascinating!!!
my doubt is that, will i have any problem with the phone if i use it in india while it was bought from singapore?
For example, will the motonav software work properly? Cause i've heard people say that motonav will have maps only for singapore and it will be useless in india....
please enlighten me on this anyone....
thanks in advance!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- xYm
- 03 Dec 2010
android 2.2 supports flash 10 but needs to be downloaded from Android market place.
- L
- Louis
- f3v
- 03 Dec 2010
troy26, 02 Dec 2010My milestone eats up my prepaid load, I think it automatica... moreDownload APNDROID , from the market , then you can turn internet off.
- v
- victor
- u4k
- 03 Dec 2010
troy26, 02 Dec 2010My milestone eats up my prepaid load, I think it automatica... moreuse the apn on/off app
- t
- troy26
- wYK
- 02 Dec 2010
My milestone eats up my prepaid load, I think it automatically connects to gprs... Can anyone tell me how to turn it off? I've already turned off any possible option and application that might possibly be causing it, I even changed my sim card but it still happens.
Any ideas?
- ?
- Anonymous
- AgJ
- 01 Dec 2010
I heard Android 2.2 will come to South Africa in January
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7G
- 30 Nov 2010
milestoner, 14 Nov 2010i'll choose either one of these both Milestone or Xperia X1... morethanx for your advice :-) hmmm theres another 1 milestone 2. I think i have to wait for milsetone 2 here in philpines, because until now milstone 1 is only available here :-(
- e
- edotmbabyx
- mXy
- 30 Nov 2010
im thinking of getting a new phone, and this phone seems to look really nice, however i want to no if it actually is good, if it has flash and a good camera, and if its easy to use!
- e
- emo18
- PbY
- 30 Nov 2010
how can I upgrade my milestone to v2.2 in Central America...??
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kxa
- 30 Nov 2010
Anonymous, 30 Nov 2010Does the screen automatically turns to landscape mode witho... morethe screen will turn to Horizontal position automatically if you rotate the phone to that posittion. If you rotate phone to Vertical position display will be in vertical.''You don't worrird, BUY The phone now
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2S@
- 30 Nov 2010
Does the screen automatically turns to landscape mode without opening the keypad?>????????????????????????????????????????