Motorola PEBL U6
- R
- RandomGuest
- iLV
- 16 Nov 2005
i loved this phone until i discovered it has a vga cam, what a waste
- M
- Mike Foster
- mF5
- 14 Nov 2005
How can you seriously sell a phone with not even a megapixel camera????????!!!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- Skr
- 07 Nov 2005
fantastic phone brill asseccories
- s
- scott
- 4D4
- 02 Nov 2005
$600 for a differnt version of the RAZR. And other countries getting cooler and slimmer version. Shame on you motorola
- N
- Nilo
- m7E
- 30 Oct 2005
Cool phone, love det design, i have the v80 now, but im gonig to get this one:)
- n
- no features
- mXB
- 29 Oct 2005
it's 2005 not 1985 more memory and at least 1 to 2 mega mixel cam and card slut and better cam and the people who wrote down the bottom saying it's not about the features dudes your paying out like $700 to $900 so really you want features for paying top $$$$$$$ the samsung d600 look cool
- j
- jerry
- 4fb
- 26 Oct 2005
i just bought the phone..whole look of the phone is very nice...outside looks cool too..but opening mechanism is very could drop the phone very bluetooth headset included..too expensive for a phone same as other moto phones...good phone for a girl...
- ?
- Anonymous
- 23 Oct 2005
hahahaha this phone is even selling for more than the Vs7 here in Hong Kong....and the Vs7 is not only thinner and sleeker but also comes with a better camera, larger and FAR better screens (internal AND external), a trendy one button opening mechanism, exchangeable covers....miles ahead of the U6
- s
- saviour
- 4R4
- 19 Oct 2005
lol, these specs for $699 usd
- i
- i
- QQ@
- 21 Sep 2005
hi was wondering if this phone COMES w/a free bluetooth headset inside the package ive read somewhere that it does and would like someone to verify that it also does in the united states.
- a
- amber hughes
- mqq
- 21 Sep 2005
i wud lik 2 no if the fone cn make videos or just do video playback cuz they r both 2 different things!!!!!!!
- n
- non
- 10 Sep 2005
yes, it says so on the very first line
- T
- Tom
- iLW
- 09 Sep 2005
looks like the PEBL doesnt it ???
- O
- OldSchoolBob
- 08 Sep 2005
Isn't this The Motorola PEBL ?
- j
- jack
- 01 Sep 2005
i like the phone but why does it not have a big memorey , i like motos but they can not hold any songs on them only ones that do are the ones that look like bricks
- b
- bob
- 4uX
- 31 Aug 2005
I have actually held this phone and seen it first hand. This is a nice phone if you don't think so you're too damn critical and don't know what you're talking about.
- f
- foneguy
- F@}
- 22 Aug 2005
I dont know why Motorola release this fone for? It is even worse then the V3. I will definely wait for the V3X to come out.
- G
- Godfather
- iLS
- 21 Aug 2005
Does the V / U 6 have a built in speaker phone as the V3 does.
- s
- sj
- EBk
- 19 Aug 2005
you guys have no idea how good this phone is.
Just by looking at pictures and features, do not judge. Once the phone is in your hand, you will realize why this phone is truly one of a kind.
One of a kind Open-Mechanism. None is like this,
- ?
- Anonymous
- 19 Aug 2005
All Motorola phones have got speakerphones now! Motorola do not advertise it as a feature anymore. Same is the case with MP3 player.