Motorola Quench XT5 XT502
- ?
- Anonymous
- t}6
- 06 Jul 2011
motorola has bad service... i purchasd my cell 2 mnths ago n nw its spoiled...n d service centre hant returnt my phone for 3 weaks... m reli fed up of service related problems....n speaking bot motorola xt 5 its good bt d battery is bad...
- j
- jham
- t7V
- 06 Jul 2011
AnonD-2378, 19 Jun 2011i have this phone. phone is good.but problems is battery.wh... morehi, my comments is during i was charging my motorola quench battery showing full of charges starting morning until evening my phone keep on standby and i've never used it the battery was suddenly drain, so pls is this a normal features of this cute mobile phones, kindly give me a right answers for my questions thanks and have a good day
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- Anonymous
- txj
- 05 Jul 2011
Anonymous, 04 Jul 2011error in backing up da ROM.......wats da solution?u have to root first you rom
- ?
- Anonymous
- txj
- 05 Jul 2011
Anonymous, 04 Jul 2011okay will backup da original ROM mananger.....can u send me ur original rom for me.. thanks
coz i forget to backup my rom:)
- ?
- Anonymous
- tY@
- 04 Jul 2011
error in backing up da ROM.......wats da solution?
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- Anonymous
- tY@
- 04 Jul 2011
error in backing up da ROM....missing commands.........wats da solution?
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- Anonymous
- uCr
- 04 Jul 2011
okay will backup da original ROM mananger.....
- ?
- Anonymous
- txj
- 04 Jul 2011
Anonymous, 02 Jul 2011can anyone guide me step by step how to update quench to fr... morebefore u upgrade make sure u backup first ur original rom..
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- Anonymous
- uCr
- 02 Jul 2011
can anyone guide me step by step how to update quench to modding it.......
- v
- vishu
- vbT
- 01 Jul 2011
i am using this phone even if i make the brightness to 0, then also the battery get drianed within 6 to 8 hrs.I hav nt found FM in dis phone, NO CALENDER. for calender i hav to snycronize the phone with google account, it is not getting connected at all.NO DICTIONARY. HOW CAN I GET ALL DIS PLZ HELP.
- D
- AnonD-2378
- 30 Jun 2011
i love this phone.nice phone.good camera but video is not as 3gp. finally have to say abt battery.
choose automatic brightnes option and do not always connect ur phone for internet.if u want save ur battery
choose data enabled and leave the box.
my battery life depend 1 1/2 days.with cals
- D
- AnonD-12428
- wdS
- 30 Jun 2011
ram, 24 May 2011couldsome one tell me why is my xt5 battery life last only ... moreadjust contrast level to 50% then it will work for at least 1 day @continuous browsing
- s
- suncy chintu
- wdS
- 30 Jun 2011
is this phone having front camera?????? and while listening to songs in earphones the sound is tooo poor can u give the reason??????????????
- ?
- Anonymous
- txj
- 29 Jun 2011
hi im from indonesia
can somebody give me original rom eclair for motorola xt502, i've tried to find in internet and im only can find one rom but it for china markets.. thanks
sorry for my bad english
- D
- D200 - Kuwait
- iFq
- 29 Jun 2011
Hard to find Gorilla glass lens for XT5 ?
Mine is broken & still waiting for a Replacement....
- s
- sangita
- PGs
- 24 Jun 2011
i cannot download Firefox and Skype app from android market to this mobile...can anyone tell me why? it doesn't support it or what
- j
- jadoein
- 2@1
- 23 Jun 2011
ram, 24 May 2011couldsome one tell me why is my xt5 battery life last only ... more@ram
i guess your data connection is always on, so whats happening is that your phone is checking for updates after certain intervals thats what is draining your juice.
you may either disable it but unchecking background data in accounts and sync or install juice defender.
Juice defender is an awesome app which lets you periods when data connection will be active and for how long and set durations after which updates will be seeked.
hope i helped
- j
- jadoein
- 2@1
- 23 Jun 2011
Bhaire, 06 Jun 2011How to download Skype?I tried several but it says "thi... more@Bhaire
go to swype website, from there download swype installer for your phone. you actually need to create a account for it(its free) then if you are not online from your phone, a link will be send to ur email id for downloading swype installer. install it in ur phone and from there you would be able to download swype 3.0 and license it and you will be good to go
and trust me swype 3.0 is way better and cooler
- j
- jadoein
- 2@1
- 23 Jun 2011
1)no it doesnt has fm radio
2)i have tried custom roms, have run froyo and currently running gingerbread, and frankly it is smooth and just gr8
3)for text to speech it is gud also in google translator but u need internet connectivity for that
4)my machine gives me about 1.5 days on gingerbread and i could get more than 2 days on sum froyo roms, also it depends mostly on rom and how often you calibrate you battery
5)obviously it supports live wallpapers but live wallpapers drain juice.
- k
- kondal
- KAt
- 23 Jun 2011
Anonymous, 11 Jun 2011will da quench xt502 ever get da 2.2 FROYO update?????u cn update upto the 2.4 gingerbread