Motorola V60

Motorola V60

User opinions and reviews

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  • r
  • ringtones and logos
  • 14 Aug 2002

hello there i just want to say that you people who are obssessed with ringtones and logos shouldnt buy this phone. motorola means business and if you are still interested with a fuck1n flashy phone with funky tones and logos should look elsewhere. and im getting sick of the reviewers who value phone from the 'entertainment' side! buy a cheap phone that is customizable..dont buy v60 cos you aren't worth for it.

    • h
    • hilly
    • 08 Aug 2002

    it's the most beautiful of all v series.look smart.but the cost is high and it no have high technology or game or other entertainment.

      • t
      • tito
      • 06 Aug 2002

      the motorola v60 is a very compact cell phone. it has great features. it is also very useful and much more.

        • S
        • Sam B
        • 04 Aug 2002

        i happen to have the motorola V60 its not all cranked up as it claim to be though I like it a lot,I still think if they bring it back out with new and advance technol ogy it could really makes a difference.As far as compose ringers that is what I hate it should of had both receiving and compose ringer capable its a headache keying in all the music notes.on a scale from 1-10 the V60 gets a 7.

          • P
          • Paco 'Pacorro'
          • 31 Jul 2002

          I just bought a 2002 Mercedes Benz for my wife. It came with the Motorola V60 Integrated...Hey Folks! This 'MERCEDES/PHONE-COMBINATION' UNBELIEVABLE!!!
          So UNBELIEVABLE that I just bought the Mptorola's newest version for myself (V60i)!
          Are you thinking in buying a new phone..? BUY the Motorola V60i !!!
          Paco 'Pacorro'

            • M
            • Malvado
            • 31 Jul 2002

            Hi i want to know if you have Motorola
            V60 ring tones...

              • d
              • dina
              • 29 Jul 2002

              My new V60 is not able to communicate by infrared to my Powerbook G4. Can you tell me why? Can I download from the net a free program to enable it?

                • s
                • stalin
                • 26 Jul 2002

                yo tengo un notoroka v60t de la compañia at&t y me parece espectacular lo que pasa es aue los timbres son feos osea horribles y como crearlos no hay como o por lo menos yo no puedo entre en una pagina que por ejm: 4 B2 c+2 para programar el tono pero mi telefono v60 no tiene ni el 4 ni mucho mnenos da espacio cuando quiero crear un tono si podrian enviarme una direccion de donde bajar los tonos estaria muy contento de haber adquirido un v60 y les cuento aue en ecuador me lo vendiaron ed $450 dolares

                  • f
                  • fizzical
                  • 19 Jul 2002

                  i got my motorola v60 and i can not find any ringtones for this phone! please help!!!!! thanks

                    • f
                    • fucky
                    • 18 Jul 2002

                    it^s very intresting

                      • h
                      • h&h
                      • 14 Jul 2002

                      The second display is toooooooooooooo smal but OK

                        • V
                        • Vladimir
                        • 08 Jul 2002

                        I got one...
                        opinion: NO GOOD

                          • S
                          • Stephanie
                          • 08 Jul 2002

                          Besides not being able to download ringtones - and I haven't found the alarm feature the phone claims to have - I love this phone. I get excellent reception and lots of features. As far as the price - it is alot, but you can save $50-150 if you shop around.

                            • j
                            • justice henne
                            • 06 Jul 2002

                            i want u to send me a form that contains addto shoping bag,i wanna buy the mottorola v60 and i want you to send me before 24 houres

                              • J
                              • J Simoes
                              • 04 Jul 2002

                              Very disappointing phone, WAY overpriced and overrated. Battery time is ridiculous, and the battery takes AGES to recharge (3 hours for a complete charge). Motorola need to do some serious R&D on usability... that menu system is anything but intuitive! As for the features... what features?! Many of the features mentioned in the menu simply don't work (like setting up call forward from the external keys/display, or even dismissing a call from the so called "smart" key), taking much of the advantage from having an external display altogether. And what's up with not allowing voice labels for phone numbers stored in the SIM card? What a load of bollocks! My old Ericsson T28W did that and much more... Anyway, what good is a voice recognition system that can't tell "Alan" from "Paula"?! Motorola, please get serious!!!

                                • A
                                • AzzKika
                                • 03 Jul 2002

                                the only good use offered from this phone is to bash ppl on the head with its tough casing.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 30 Jun 2002

                                  the menu is complicated like hell,the battery is weak,it has no alarm clock,the composer is crap,the antenna it breaks and the signal weak.The price?Astronomical!U ppl shuld look around u.Have u heared of Siemens, Alcatel and even Ericsson?!

                                    • m
                                    • me
                                    • 28 Jun 2002

                                    it sucks

                                      • C
                                      • Chamuco
                                      • 25 Jun 2002

                                      How can I change the display (banner) and put my name on it???

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 23 Jun 2002

                                        I guess it`s great, but the price for it is NOT great!!!!!