Motorola V620

Motorola V620

User opinions and reviews

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  • k
  • kemba
  • PYM
  • 23 Aug 2005

out of all the phone i had this one is by far most the stupidest on ever. i don't know why the hell i switch to motorola. i waste my damn money.. the memory is so friggin poor only thing the camera clean but the video recorder isn't. stupid lame ass phone

    • B
    • Boags
    • Fv0
    • 21 Aug 2005

    Dwayne, i dont know where you got the idea of only being able to store 2-3 x 15-20 sec mp3 in the phone? I have about 10 mp3 ringtones saved, plus a tonne of poly ones, plus stacks of pics, plus about 15 videos that go for about half a minute each (or more)plus about 100 msgs and i still have plenty of memory left. I love the fact that if someone has a ringtone i want, i can get it from them via bluetooth. It rocks. the one downfall? The phone is sooooo slow!

      • w
      • wudnt you wanna no
      • Ihy
      • 17 Aug 2005

      ive had this phone for only 2 days and i can not stand it. before that i had a v600 and they all have exactly the same problem. when ever i press any button or even if i wanted to type in a message the connection is pathetic. its to bloody slow. i dont know what it is but i seem to find the looks of motorola very nice. i want to now buy the v3 and my family are not pleased. my brother knows more about phone than i do and he tld me all about motorolas. he sed dont even waste your time looking at. everything is wrong with the phone. it always has been and it always will. try something other than motorola. i think i shud as well. even my land line got a better say

        • R
        • Raz
        • nxt
        • 16 Aug 2005

        I bought this phone 3 days ago and although it has a lot of great futures and is very afordable, the phone has a lot of bugs. When I close the phone the sound options reset. Sometimes the phone closes without any warning. The battery doesn't last too long (about 3 days in standby, talk time about one hour and 8 minutes).

          • a
          • ash
          • nDV
          • 12 Aug 2005

          Hi!i'm from romania and here the moto v620 is affordable so i'm thinking of buying it, and so i would apreciate several objective opinions on this phone.Is it worth buying?
          Also i'm not convinced of how much the battery lasts because on the official site it sais up to 240h standby and up to 450 minutes talktime.How long does the battery really lasts? Thank you in advance...

            • D
            • Dwayne FeelGood
            • Nxs
            • 11 Aug 2005

            Looks great in black! But no point in having mp3 as option for ringtone unless you have mp3 of about 15-20 seconds -> which is pointless coz 5mb of internal memory adequate for 1-2 max mp3s.

              • Z
              • Zach
              • yKD
              • 10 Aug 2005

              This design is good. However, all features and performance are very worst. It is not user friendly at all. Not like Nokia...easy of use...easy to understand....For instance, I can accept files from other devices via Bluetooth...but, the funny things is, I CANT SEND MY VIDEO or PICTURES VIA BLUETOOTH....This is not good product..!!!!...

                • m
                • miguelfigueroa
                • Pc4
                • 08 Aug 2005

                Hi, i think is a great phone but the memory is too short, and video quality is not so good, so i`m gonna change it.

                  • L
                  • Lianna
                  • iL$
                  • 06 Aug 2005

                  I got this phone for my birthday, and I think it's great! Okay, there was the whole ordeal about WAP and MMS but I managed to get them both kick-started, thanks to my uncle. (He's an IT consultant or something like that, so if u no any 1 whose job is connected to that kinda thing, ask them, it's worth a try. I'd tell u the answer but I can't remember, its not complex tho.)
                  N e way, I can't get the IM, (Instant Messaging) to work. I've added in all the details I can but it just says 'operation failed.' Am I the only 1? Plz help!

                    • t
                    • tenielle
                    • Ae8
                    • 06 Aug 2005


                    I trid that thing that kurt said and it didnt work at all.

                      • D
                      • D
                      • ijD
                      • 03 Aug 2005

                      Gold Coast, Australia

                      When trying to install the software for my V620 on my home pc a message appeared saying the the software is not compatable with windows XP, is there anyway of getting around this problem? Also i am having problems using the web access for downloads.
                      Please help!

                        • A
                        • Ang
                        • P%Q
                        • 02 Aug 2005

                        hi, my b/f has one of these phones and sometimes when u leave it sit for a while the screen turns off and then u have to turn the phone off and back on again, i was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and do u know how to fix it.


                          • j
                          • just askin
                          • mH7
                          • 02 Aug 2005

                          hey! has anyone even tried doing that thing that this kurt guy posted? coz i tried it nd it worked! it gave me another 5mb space! how cool! tnx kurt!!!!

                            • k
                            • kurt
                            • mH7
                            • 02 Aug 2005

                            how long can u record videos for? coz i cud only record up to about 35secs! how bout u? plz tell me! tnx!!!

                              • B
                              • Boags
                              • Fv0
                              • 31 Jul 2005

                              Ok heres my idea: Add a Sound recorder, FM Radio, Megapixel cam, memory card slot, external colour screen, MP3 Player, and improve the rest of the phone altogether (make it faster, less bugs, better quality video, etc) and this could be some kind of super mega awesome phone. They could call it the V-Grandé! HOWZAT!? i think me and motorola should have a chat...i could make them millions....:P

                                • k
                                • kurt
                                • mH7
                                • 30 Jul 2005

                                Hey,.. does anyone know how to use the IM???? plz email me if u know it! Tnx!

                                  • k
                                  • kurt
                                  • mH7
                                  • 30 Jul 2005

                                  well,... i dnt know if it works on other fones but it works on mine! anywayz,... i can expand the memory by another 5mb by adding a category and then deleting it afterwards!

                                  Here's how to do it!

                                  1. Press MENU button
                                  2. Go to MULTIMEDIA
                                  3. Then, go to PICTURES
                                  4. And press the "menu key" and go to CATEGORIES
                                  5. Then go down to NEW CATEGORY
                                  6. Type a name and select all your files! (pictures) then press DONE
                                  7. Then go to CATEGORIES again and highlight the name of the category you just made! and delete it!
                                  (dont worry! ur picts wont be deleted!)
                                  8. Then go back to PICTURES
                                  9. Then VIEW FREE SPACE by pressing the menu key!

                                  and it shud say something like this:
                                  Free: 4999
                                  Used: 0

                                  but,... if u turn the fone off after saving more stuff like videos,.. etc! when u turn it on and luk at the free space,... its gonna say that the total memory is 4999999 or something lyk that! but my fone is still ok!

                                  So,... tell me if it works on urs pls! tnx! :)

                                    • T
                                    • The Ran
                                    • PP@
                                    • 25 Jul 2005

                                    The Hello Moto !! V620 is great value for money, its packed with features for its price (with a bluetooth Headset) the only thing missing is the FM Radio.

                                      • K
                                      • Kekoa
                                      • Q$5
                                      • 25 Jul 2005

                                      The V620 is the predecessor of the V600. The V620 is actually made for the Asian and European markets. It is a quad band phone and can be used in the U.S., but having it to configure to any U.S. cellular provider is merely impossible. T-Mobile USA and Cingular does not know the SMS and MMS configuration. And to make matters worst, Motorola USA does not know much about this phone because it was built in Singapore. The memory is small so you can't download much ringtones and the firmware is outdated. The phone freezes up constantly. The only nice part about the V620 is it's color. It's way over priced for being such a lousy phone. Motorola claims the V620 to be a much improved version of the V600, but I find the V600 to perform a bit better then the V620. V600 to V620 = bad to worst.

                                        • G
                                        • Gerry
                                        • Q5L
                                        • 24 Jul 2005

                                        I've had my V620 for three months and after two months of very light useage the phone stopped working. It no longer is able to make nor receive any calls. I have taken it to a couple of repair places and they were stumped. Does anybody have any suggestions as to what is wrong with the phone?