Google's Tensor G4 SoC to have improved heat management and power efficiency

Vlad, 06 March 2024

Google's Tensor G4 SoC is coming later this year to power the Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, and possibly even the Pixel Fold 2. A new report from Korea today corroborates an earlier rumor which said the G4 would be manufactured by Samsung's foundry. It will be using the 4nm process.

The Tensor G4 will apparently have improved heat management, along with better performance and higher efficiency. So it looks like it will be a step up from the G3 in every way possible, which is definitely good news considering that the previous chipset didn't win any awards for, well, anything.

Google's Tensor G4 SoC to have improved heat management and power efficiency

Interestingly, the Exynos 2400 featuring prominently in the Samsung Galaxy S24 and S24+ this year might have brought some more customers to Samsung's foundry, since it was pretty well received - for an Exynos, at least. It might just be that everyone had so low expectations of it that it's managed to surpass all of them, but in the end it doesn't matter why, just that Samsung's foundry could be making some more money now thanks to it.

Several voices in the tech world, including Meta's Mark Zuckerberg and Open AI CEO Sam Altman seem to want to have less reliance on Taiwanese TSMC for chip making, as TSMC currently has about 50% market share. Samsung seems ready and definitely willing to help with that.

Source (in Korean)


Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 19 May 2024
  • 0Uc

That's what I kept saying until I tried the 6a! Never buying anything but Pixels, EVER!

  • ti.a
  • 10 May 2024
  • MpE

I agree with you

  • Omar
  • 27 Mar 2024
  • 2IL

I'll consider a Pixel phone when Google decides to stop being 2 generations behind in performance against the competition.

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