Gurman: Apple's affordable Vision headset to rely on tethered connection to iPhone or Mac

Michail, 24 June 2024

Apple is rumored to be developing a more affordable alternative to its $3,500 Vision Pro headset and Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman suggests that the device will rely on a tethered connection to iPhone or Mac.

Gurman details Apple’s more affordable Vision headset is codenamed N107 and will retain core features of the Vision Pro while cutting production costs. The key to Apple’s plan is to make the device reliant on a tethered connection to an iPhone or Mac. The cheaper Apple Vision headset is also expected to offer a narrower field of view compared to Vision Pro and is rumored to launch by the end of 2025.

Gurman: Apple's more affordable Vision headset to rely on tethered connection to iPhone or Mac

Apple is still developing a second generation of its flagship Vision Pro codenamed N109 which will offer a more powerful chipset and improved external cameras. That device is expected to launch in late 2026.



Reader comments

  • Jason
  • 27 Jun 2024
  • F10

If the iphone or mac is designated to handle the processing and battery, it would make the headset much more lighter and I could wear it for more than 5 MINUTES.

  • Anonymous
  • 25 Jun 2024
  • dQq

Quest can also work without controllers. The apple vision is tech junk.

Shut up and take my money!

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