Samsung I7500 coming to France as Galaxy and we've got live shots

19 May, 2009

Samsung "eye seven thousand and five hundred"? Well, not according to French operator Bouygues Telecom, which is going for the easier on the tongue and cooler sounding "Galaxy". The launch date is set for early July, which makes the French a bit late to get the Samsung's first Android-based device (obviously meant for release in June in most other EU countries).

The Samsung I7500 Galaxy runs the latest update of Android OS - the Cupcake (well, Android ver. 1.5 but "Cupcake" sounds better).

It sports an eye-pleasing HVGA OLED display and a 5 megapixel camera. Couple that with 8GB of internal storage plus as big a microSD card you can find, HSUPA, GPS, Wi-Fi and a bunch of other acronyms and you have something to really tease Apple fanboys with.

There's no word on pricing of the French deal yet, but the Samsung I7500 should hit the other parts of Europe as early as June. And with the HTC Magic already out and about we might have an Android battle on our hands.

And as we have a I7500 Galaxy unit on our hands, here are several live shots of the slim-looking device made for Bouygues Telecom.

Samsung I7500 Samsung I7500 Samsung I7500 Samsung I7500
Samsung I7500 Galaxy for Bouygues Telecom



Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 24 May 2009
  • RrB

what about 3g

  • sephiroth206
  • 23 May 2009
  • 0dC

like Woah! i can't wait for it to hit the US market. so far this is the best android phone yet to be announced! i currently own the G1 and i have a samsung impression, the AMOLED on the impression is very impressive, and to put android "cupcake" vers...

  • Anonymous
  • 21 May 2009
  • yVg

I just dont know what it is these days, i have a phone with a symbian, i was quite plesed when i went to the store to buy my phone thinkin the symbian was the good ol fashion adult ride on toy, to my disgust i found out sybian and symbian are 2 quite...

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