Gartner: Xiaomi, Apple on the rise, Samsung falters

15 December, 2014
Apple is doing great too, expected to do better in Q4. Xiaomi is the fastest grower by far.

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  • D
  • AnonD-81729
  • kg3
  • 16 Dec 2014

Time for Microsoft to undercut both Apple and Samsung in both hig hend and low end markets.

    • J
    • Jani
    • 6uJ
    • 16 Dec 2014

    wake today,samsung!!!.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 2@t
      • 16 Dec 2014

      AnonD-89430, 16 Dec 2014its not about commonor or smart has its place a... moreLol.. 'iphone 6 camera is way to rubbish compared to s3/s4/s5'..
      I'm guessing you are horrible at taking photos (guessing you are claiming iPhone 6 camera is rubbish from own experience) or just have trouble reading reviews.
      Gsmarena and quite a few reputed general as well android centric news sites (I'm not bothering to include apple centric sites even) have pretty good things to say about the iphone 6 camera..

      I myself am a galaxy s4 user (and always been an android user) but I'm not going to sit around in denial about such stuff..

        • D
        • AnonD-89430
        • Mfx
        • 16 Dec 2014

        its not about commonor or smart has its place and not every1 can buy apple..but one can easily tell that apple phones are not smart, the premium they charge after manufacturing in china is simply fooling ppl..the specs are better? look at iphone 6 camera, its way too rubbish compared to galaxy s3/4/5 which is a key feature should be 100% better for such a premium..but sadly the finishing is all what you pay for in about smart ppl knowing nothing about the rest of the world...listen kid the smart ppl have alrdy surpassed the dumb apple ppl long ago still living in stone age fighting for their lost never will regain!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 0BG
          • 16 Dec 2014

          iPhone is King, 16 Dec 2014Android makers give jealous comments and jack down their pr... morelol, it's exactly the experience that sucks the most with Crapple. You pay for image, not for experience.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 2@t
            • 16 Dec 2014

            AnonD-275729, 16 Dec 2014Interesting figures. It still shows that Samsung sells t... moreAre you using the same tables as in the article?
            Cos the 'smartphone' market grew by 20% it is eating away at featurephones..

            Samsung did sell less devices in both smartphones and total.

            Nokia is in the list as devices were still sold as nokia in q3. And Nokia is under 'others' in smartphones. You are comparing its overall sales (including feature phones which sell quite well in developing countries) to Apple (who does only smartphones)

              • A
              • Anonymous
              • tDR
              • 16 Dec 2014

              iPhone is King, 16 Dec 2014Android makers give jealous comments and jack down their pr... moreAnd the best winner is goes to.... SAMSUNG

                • i
                • iPhone is King
                • PGX
                • 16 Dec 2014

                Android makers give jealous comments and jack down their price so low, just to compete with iPhone.

                Yet iPhone is still on the rise.

                Smart people pay for the experience.
                Commoners simply pay for specs, and compromise on all.

                And are you the one using the specs? NO! Its the OS that uses that specs on your behalf. And if the OS is bad, the specs are misused.

                And soon, all commoners will come to know the great iPhone, and why its worth every penny of its price.. and the android makers will have to lower their price even more.

                  • a
                  • arieligena
                  • L5s
                  • 16 Dec 2014

                  Why Motorola is not in the list?

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 2Zt
                    • 16 Dec 2014

                    AnonD-1825, 15 Dec 2014"This is the best Apple can do in number two, Apple an... moreSamsung losing market share is because of rise of other Android makers, not because of Apple. This is why Android is good, I'd rather have choices than not.

                      • j
                      • jy
                      • X}Q
                      • 16 Dec 2014

                      Anonymous, 15 Dec 2014Apple is so close to slipping into single digit marketshare... moreDemise? They have the profit of more than all the other android smartphone makers combined.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 4$v
                        • 16 Dec 2014

                        AnonD-213908, 16 Dec 2014I thought this was Q4, but it was Q3, so welcome to 3 months ago.We're still in Q4. Can't have stats for a quarter that hasn't ended yet. So, welcome to the real world.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-213908
                          • YUT
                          • 16 Dec 2014

                          I thought this was Q4, but it was Q3, so welcome to 3 months ago.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-296246
                            • uSS
                            • 16 Dec 2014

                            I'm glad to have a Xiaomi Mi3
                            Good job Xiaomi, Keep it up!

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • bxb
                              • 16 Dec 2014

                              Xiaomi will be no.1 in 5 years

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • v0q
                                • 16 Dec 2014

                                Samsung, if you aren't too stupid to release downgraded "successors" to your bloated galaxy products (Galaxy Core to Core 2suck edition), then maybe..............

                                  • a
                                  • average-joe
                                  • 2Zu
                                  • 16 Dec 2014

                                  Xiaomi cannot succeed in any market with a proper legal system. As soon as they enter it they will be sued by Apple, or someone else, as seen in India.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-275729
                                    • mTn
                                    • 16 Dec 2014

                                    Interesting figures.

                                    It still shows that Samsung sells the most phones (despite their "loss"). Apple has sold more phones than last year and coupled with their huge profit margins it means that the Apple shareholders become richer. It doesn't matter how much "marketshare" they all have. It's the sheer numbers of phones sold that is important. In the case of Samsung it probably is because they release 2 phones every week (although they "promised" to tone that down a bit for 2015). And in the case of Windows Phone, despite their loss of market they still sold MORE devices than in 2013. More is more. Period!

                                    The serious worrying bit is at the last column.
                                    This shows that total phone sales hasn't practically increased. So the market is not expanding. The reason why brands sell less is clearly because the markets are becoming saturated especially in Europe and US. There's merely a shift in a few brands but Android phones (no matter what brand) still outsell everything else.

                                    What I don't understand is why is Nokia on this list? They've been transitioning into Microsoft mobile for most of the year... yet they sell more devices than Apple... eh?

                                    This is all weird. Companies selling millions of phones yet they "go bust"? Companies selling more phones than last year yet everybody is calling them loosers? Fact is that a lot of rich people "earned" more money this year than last year (perhaps not for Samsung but since these figures tells nothing about profit so...).

                                    As for Samsung in 2014. When you're at the top, you can only come down (eventually)!

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-296725
                                      • UQZ
                                      • 16 Dec 2014

                                      Samsung will slowly go down each year eventually they will give up mobile division and focus on making components

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • v0q
                                        • 15 Dec 2014

                                        Mike, 15 Dec 2014Don't like either Apple/Samsung before you brand me a Fanbo... moreYou don't like Apple but you have iPad Mini... Hahaha lol