24K gold-plated Lumia 930 launched in Vietnam
- D
- rbF
- 08 Mar 2015
you see the edge? I don't like it from now ..ugly ornaments .. and gold is soft 24k even more .. and it is still cheaper then the UK carriers and the random stores in Usa ~500$ and uk around 500~600 pounds but comes with extras vouchers and headphones and pillow charger .. overcharging for a 1y old phone and prolly the last good phone Microsoft lazy asses will issue this year .. I wish I was their boss ill show them where the sun is rising from
- B
- Blink
- ts@
- 20 Jan 2015
Vietnammese, 14 Jan 2015actually, the price is 11.000.000 Vietnam Dong (about $524 ... moreThat 11 mil price is for Lumia 930 gold, the one that Microsoft officially launched. This 24K gold-plated version costs more than that.
- V
- Vietnammese
- fDd
- 14 Jan 2015
actually, the price is 11.000.000 Vietnam Dong (about $524 ) Not much like that :p
- D
- AnonD-164032
- ii7
- 14 Jan 2015
actually cheaper than some variants of iphone 6/6+.
- A
- AdamBoy64
- Fv4
- 13 Jan 2015
fahad, 13 Jan 2015why the hell would i buy a low end gold plated phone???Because any specs - no matter how high-end they are - become obsolete.
Having things like gold and diamonds.. they don't lose their value.
- A
- Ayda
- SnD
- 13 Jan 2015
dilver Brown and gold Nokia Lumia 830'Gold plated we want.?
- f
- fahad
- Lb4
- 13 Jan 2015
why the hell would i buy a low end gold plated phone???
- M
- Mr R. Sole
- MVg
- 13 Jan 2015
hanson + a chicken = mental scaring...
- &
- ΚΩ
- T4b
- 13 Jan 2015
The mobile of the political party in Greece "Golden Dawn"
- D
- AnonD-315435
- uwC
- 13 Jan 2015
Gold-plated Lumia 520 & Lumia 535 & 735. That will be great for Indian WP lovers.
- ?
- Anonymous
- S35
- 13 Jan 2015
Waste of time & Money.
- s
- subham rex
- w43
- 13 Jan 2015
its ashom but it may be too low...................
- ?
- Anonymous
- 84e
- 13 Jan 2015
mobile madness, 13 Jan 2015First mistake why would you buy a nokia lumia?!?!? secon... moreneither isnt mistake. First for people who like WP, second for ritch people who like WP. Easy enough?:)
- D
- AnonD-273829
- dQK
- 13 Jan 2015
mobile madness, 13 Jan 2015First mistake why would you buy a nokia lumia?!?!? secon... moreyou dont know how to work with windows phone so call it a mistake, working with this os needs clever users who those like you are not so coming here and talk shit about its os
- J
- Jith
- utV
- 13 Jan 2015
mobile madness, 13 Jan 2015First mistake why would you buy a nokia lumia?!?!? secon... moreBecause it is one of the best smartphones available today..!!
- m
- mobile madness
- xjH
- 13 Jan 2015
First mistake why would you buy a nokia lumia?!?!?
second mistake why would you gold plate a nokia lumia??
- s
- swanand7893
- PId
- 13 Jan 2015
Nokia Lumia..? I thought it was Microsoft now..
- D
- AnonD-53653
- wri
- 13 Jan 2015
That's a lot of "dong"s