Garmin Nuvifone M20 to hit Taiwanese market this month

19 August, 2009
Chunghwa Telecom, the largest telecom in Taiwan, announced the start of the advertising campaign of the Garmin-Asus Nuvifone M20, which is finally set to start selling in no more than two weeks time...

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  • M
  • MJT
  • PG$
  • 20 Aug 2009

I like so much Asus mobile Phone but im very disapointed because in hk and macao dont have english version only sell chinese version i like to ask asus company what happen

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • uGx
    • 20 Aug 2009

    Been looking forwards to this phone for months. Glad it's finally released. This phone is great for people like me who place a great importance on a strong GPS. The type of OS isn't important as long as the phone does what it is suppose to do.

      • b
      • bummy
      • 9xE
      • 20 Aug 2009

      Just saw a hands-on video with this phone....
      Interface is so un-inspiring....

      Might have a super powerful GPS, but I'll seriously be depressed looking at that interface =/

        • Z
        • Zobi
        • T94
        • 20 Aug 2009

        Anonymous, 19 Aug 2009If you actually read the news post, you would have seen tha... moreUr right i read the post but i confuse with other garmin nuviføne. I was very excited when they announce it but then lost interest. Maybe M20 is not so bad for those who likes windowsMobile.

          • H
          • HD engr
          • jWL
          • 20 Aug 2009

          TOO late, bye bye...

            • M
            • Man in HK
            • PZC
            • 20 Aug 2009

            This is one of the strongest GPS navigation phone on Earth. It can automatically calculate distance, travel time/method/cost between any two locations picked in the pre-installed maps - helps you to navigate/drive in the city/across cities. The maps pre-installed differs in different country - so make sure the country maps of the phone are those you want before buying it. The maps are free to use if you don't need GPS.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4A@
              • 20 Aug 2009

              How is this any different than the HTC Diamond that came out a year and a half ago?

                • R
                • Roberto
                • Mf5
                • 20 Aug 2009

                Crazy nice phone, but I don' really believe in it!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 25E
                  • 20 Aug 2009


                    • M
                    • Man in HK
                    • PZC
                    • 20 Aug 2009

                    Next month? It's already selling in HK for $4,000 bucks (with free HK, China & Macau maps pre-installed)!! Best for female users coz it's so light in weight but as you may aware, light weight means weak battery power.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • 5%X
                      • 19 Aug 2009

                      Zobi, 19 Aug 2009Wasnt this suppose to come out 2 years ago?If you actually read the news post, you would have seen that it was just announced feb of this year.

                      Also the blue/greenish version of this phone looks hella nice.

                        • Z
                        • Zobi
                        • Cat
                        • 19 Aug 2009

                        Wasnt this suppose to come out 2 years ago?

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • pTK
                          • 19 Aug 2009

                          Its running Windows and only 2.8" screen. Its gonna be a flop it it costs more than £200.

                            • c
                            • cctech
                            • Pxi
                            • 19 Aug 2009

                            first.. nice phone