Gresso Grand Monaco collection offers F1-style excitement
- M
- Minis
- ScF
- 01 Oct 2009
It's So cool Phone. How mach is this .
- ?
- Anonymous
- pT%
- 24 Aug 2009
People are posting that this is good looking, doesn't it just look like a slightly less attractive version of the Nokia 6500 classic? (which is admittedly a good looking phone)
- S
- Spikey
- Mx@
- 24 Aug 2009
I would like to see a cheaper alternative to these kinds of mobiles, where the focus is on both style and good craftsmanship. Obviously it wouldnt be in the same league as these handsets, but it doesnt take much to make a phone out of metal that will last a while (nokia 6303) instead of entire plastic construction (n97)
- Z
- Zulf
- msi
- 21 Aug 2009
Imagine losing this phone in the first week of buying it...gutted. not worth it. id pay 200 pounds for anyone wana sell it for 200 contact me :)
- T
- TaReGt
- 4Hu
- 21 Aug 2009
Stupid 3 band phones...When will people learn QUAD!!! That is one of the reasons why are cars better than bikes... for wheels :D
- ?
- Anonymous
- wYG
- 21 Aug 2009
yeah i think that in this day and age, people look for function not fashion! i wouldnt spend that much for a handset that does nothing special but look good. you wont go around telling people that "o, this is a F-1 handset" all the freakin' time you use it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- pJG
- 20 Aug 2009
Hahahahahahahaha!!! Pathetic. Why do people design mobiles as such. People want multimedia, features, camera nowa days. Gresso, ha!
- D
- David
- M8T
- 20 Aug 2009
Why do these people insist on making ugly and expensive phones? If you want class go get the Nokia Arte series or Moto Aura. I wouldn't use these ugly phone even if they gave it to me for free.
- A
- Almon
- tWi
- 20 Aug 2009
Wow. That is cheap. I can buy that with the collective amount of the coins I pick up lying on the floor back in middle school and still have $45,000 left.
- ?
- Anonymous
- P43
- 20 Aug 2009
that big G damaged the phone design
- F
- pwd
- 20 Aug 2009
You buy a priceless indestructible phone designed to last a lifetime. You leave it on the back seat of a cab.
- A
- Arron
- SbD
- 20 Aug 2009
i like the syling.. would have 1 if i could afford @:(
- D
- Dee
- MD0
- 20 Aug 2009
Nice phone for the posh people=)
- a
- aXo
- 3c6
- 20 Aug 2009
Good Lookin'