Sony Xperia E4 goes on pre-order in the UK at £100
- D
- AnonD-363304
- 7Xa
- 13 Feb 2015
Wow. Nice move from Sony. Nice phone and pricing...
- r
- rpk
- Hku
- 12 Feb 2015
I think camera not so good as like as sony xperia e3. it's just OK,but at this price 'SONY' amazing...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ibx
- 12 Feb 2015
Perfect SONY cell for USA 2015!
- D
- AnonD-163800
- u7Y
- 12 Feb 2015
owo! 6582 in 2015! And that too for £100!! And 5 inch screen but not HD. I would say nice move SONY. but then I would be lying.
- D
- AnonD-359956
- YWi
- 12 Feb 2015
if the price is around 11k in Asia then i will buy it
- D
- AnonD-359956
- YWi
- 12 Feb 2015
finally good price from sony.
- D
- AnonD-194928
- tes
- 12 Feb 2015
AnonD-244086, 12 Feb 2015pff so cheap i bought my samsung galaxy xcover old from 201... moreSo u have MOney ,
- D
- AnonD-265341
- J8x
- 12 Feb 2015
Good price, mabye this will sell and help sony turn their sinking ship around. I hope so
- D
- AnonD-93439
- DN4
- 12 Feb 2015
Wow good price
- t
- tns
- nDN
- 12 Feb 2015
this is not a bad price and the phone looks really nice
- D
- AnonD-244086
- nDE
- 12 Feb 2015
pff so cheap i bought my samsung galaxy xcover old from 2011 in 2013 with £133 and specs is triple bad than this
- K
- KV
- tjJ
- 12 Feb 2015
Good phone for the price!
- N
- Najmi7
- tue
- 12 Feb 2015
I'm actually interested to buy the dual sim version of this phone for my second phone. Dual standby + dual active + the simple design got me interested, but for maybe more than £100 for the dual sim, nah.
- ?
- Anonymous
- m5b
- 12 Feb 2015
Why bother