4.3-inch Archos tablet runs Android, has 1GHz CPU
- R
- Rip
- G2G
- 16 Sep 2009
Win7RTM, 16 Sep 2009Here we go with the "it's too big to fit in my pocket" excu... moreAw, come on? You tell me this phone isn't too big for you?? It's almost the size of a palmtop computer... When will they stop, huh? The day you have to carry a 42" "phone"??? Lol! Size is ridiculous!! And before you respond... Yes, and I also think the iphone, Omnia HD, Touch HD, Pro2, TG01 are just too big to be handled comfortably! At least for me!
- W
- Win7RTM
- C}v
- 16 Sep 2009
Anonymous, 16 Sep 2009I guess if you carry a purse to put it in, you can call it ... moreHere we go with the "it's too big to fit in my pocket" excuse.
Only a fail who just flat out hates the phone, and thinks that phones like the iPhone, X1, i9000 are the perfect size would say that. It happened on the TG01, then the Hero, now this. It never ceases...
- ?
- Anonymous
- keq
- 16 Sep 2009
5ushi, 16 Sep 2009I guess it is only a matter of time before PDAs start overt... moreThe progression of technology is not whether we have a use for it, it's a matter of WHO will find a use for it. Nobody thought that the age of hyperspeed rail system would be attributed to a steam engine attached to a cart, nobody thought of ball-point pens when quills were still widely used, and certainly nobody thought of fusing a PDA and a cellphone together to get the smartphone of today. You might see it as overkill because you don't see yourself potentially use up what the device has to offer, but somewhere out there, there's a doctor, a scientist, a programmer, etc, who will find a use for it catering to their needs. If we stand idle, think of all the possibilities that we could've achieved.
- Z
- Zobi
- jxD
- 16 Sep 2009
OMG i need this phone. When gonna come out?
- c
- cocacola
- wr1
- 16 Sep 2009
what attracts my attention is not the phone. rather, it's Android 1.6 powered. Hope it will be better than cup cake 1.5, specially in video play back divx and xvid which htc hero failed me.
I'm waiting for smaller size android 1.6 phone emerge into market..
- g
- gunguik
- uS{
- 16 Sep 2009
nice android..keep it up
- ?
- Anonymous
- nvx
- 16 Sep 2009
5ushi, 16 Sep 2009I guess it is only a matter of time before PDAs start overt... morethere will 10ghz mobile processor CPUs in 5 years time
- ?
- Anonymous
- P@c
- 16 Sep 2009
5ushi, 16 Sep 2009I guess it is only a matter of time before PDAs start overt... moreHuman life keeps getting cheaper in the eyes of a thief.
- 5
- 5ushi
- uBQ
- 16 Sep 2009
I guess it is only a matter of time before PDAs start overtaking netbooks CPU wise; not a bad thing since it shows that the tech world is alive and well (and evolving, as it should). But you really have to wonder - when will it stop........? I mean, 5 years from now we could have phone cpus running at 2GHz... I ain't saying that evolving tech is bad, just that I think it is getting too powerful to the point where we won't really need all that power (I mean, you won't be doing intensive 3D cad on a phone, or doing video rendering on the move; we have high-end laptops for that) - but then, the future of phones could be the extinction of portable computers and the age of super-computer-phones like this...
Anyway, I'm really curious how this will run Android - the G1 was slightly laggy for my tastes...
- G
- Great...
- 0u3
- 16 Sep 2009
The resolution, android and cpu sounds great. :-)
Unfortunately the phone would also be great, or should I rather say huge... :-(
- ?
- Anonymous
- nvx
- 16 Sep 2009
Apple will claim that they were the 1st with to release a touch tablet despite there's countless multi touch tablets right now
- R
- R
- n%n
- 16 Sep 2009
mujeeb, 16 Sep 20091stThat is like the ultimate fail.
anywayz, 4.3 inch is way to big for my taste... my current phone (htc magic, thats 3.2 inch) is perfect for PHONE usage... if i want a mini laptop i just buy a eee pc.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3it
- 16 Sep 2009
Isn't it 800 MHz CPU?
- a
- ando
- Mx@
- 16 Sep 2009
its no n97 like!!! lol
- ?
- Anonymous
- q8%
- 16 Sep 2009
I guess if you carry a purse to put it in, you can call it a phone.
- m
- mujeeb
- P$k
- 16 Sep 2009
- M
- Mobilemaster
- Lax
- 16 Sep 2009
Wow, what a internet tablet phone! Great work! :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- q8%
- 16 Sep 2009
heh, not a phone, more like a mini-mini-laptop