Acer Liquid goes live with Android 1.6 and 768 MHz Snapdragon CPU

14 October, 2009
Today Acer officially announced the Android-running Liquid full touchscreen handset. Rumors about the handset have been swarming online for... Update: Official photos now available

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • xg9
  • 16 May 2010

Purchased this phone last week via Amazon in Germany. This is a good phone and is offers the best price/performance ration when compared to its competitors. Plus some seriously good apps on the Android market too. The screen is pretty responsive to touch and the animations are smooth despite the processor being underclocked. Only problem is the smudges that develop over time and require regular cleaning. But that would happen to any other phone.

Now I have used only phones with resistive touchscreens before. Never used an iPhone (and will not) or any other android phone for that matter. But this phone does the job and I am a satisfied user

    • D
    • Daniel Cunningham
    • nxU
    • 19 Oct 2009

    Siddharth, 15 Oct 2009According to Acer's press release posted on various website... moreSiddharth, You're nearly correct. It will have the 1ghz snapdragon but it's being underclocked to get the lower speed. Probably to conserve battery life. Android isn't that demanding. Yet.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • Y7T
      • 19 Oct 2009

      Anonymous, 15 Oct 2009r u joking? u r saying a phone that doesnt hv a user repla... morefirst of all, iphone can multitask. just jailbreak and get backgrounder -.- and for camera u cant say right now. we havent seen sample pics yet. cameras arent all about megapixel u idiot. for example compare the htc hero(5 mp) camera to the the 3gs(3 mp) and u will know what i mean. pics and videos r better on 3gs compared to hero. and last but not least, the thing that makes apple the winner, is because of the great os and 1 place to get apps etc. i know android has an app store too but not near the magnitude of the apple app store. and the graphic card on the 3gs freakin kills... not even the toshiba tg01 with a 1 ghz processor can match it... so yeah iphone still wins ^^ and dont even bring up stupid things ppl dont use like bluetooth file transfer or video call(actually u cant use video call, cuz this phone cant do it either xD) -.- we do have bluetooth file transfer,app called ibluetooth(jailbreak)but we just use a ftp server, which is better in every way. so yea. owned!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • f3B
        • 17 Oct 2009

        what do you guys think the build quality will be like? I saw a review on the neotouch and build quality seemed below par. otherwise this phone looks great!

          • R
          • R@K€B
          • 3ZI
          • 17 Oct 2009

          Try try sorry good it:s very huge .like n97

            • S
            • Siddharth
            • tTP
            • 15 Oct 2009

            According to Acer's press release posted on various websites and tech blogs, the Acer Liquid will feature a 1 GHz Snapdragon processor unlike the 768 MHz processor mentioned in this article.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Ac3
              • 15 Oct 2009

              Rahul, 14 Oct 2009no u r wrong this still cant compete with features and proc... morer u joking?
              u r saying a phone that doesnt hv a user replaceable battery, cant multitask, and has a worse camera is the better one.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Ac3
                • 15 Oct 2009

                Anonymous, 14 Oct 2009there is no xenon but there is the android phone with 8 meg... morekeep dreaming se x3 hasnt even been anounced. x2 isnt even available yet. by the time se release it (if they release it) other manufacturers will be able to offer u much better phones at a cheaper price.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Ac3
                  • 15 Oct 2009

                  BobM, 15 Oct 2009Well to each his own, me I prefer a resistive screen over a... morein wat way is capacitive inferior to resistive? my only guess is that its cheaper to make.
                  reasons why capacitive is better than resistive:
                  - supports multitouch whereas resistive currently does not
                  - must be made from a highly conductive and therefore more glass-like material whereas resistive must be made from a very flexible (and incredibly easy to scratch) plastic
                  - resistive uses several plastic layers which make the colors appear more faded on the screen (especially under sunlight) - capacitive does not suffer from this.
                  - capacitive is more responsive to finger touch (fact)

                  reasons y resistive is better:
                  - supports a stylus? thats not rly an advantage and there is a stylus that works with capacitive as well (see pogo stylus)
                  - cheaper to build i guess

                  personally i wud say optical is the best touchscreen technology around, however, the only company that made phones with optical touchscreen was neonode (now bankrupt). sad story rly, they had gr8 ideas.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • 0dq
                    • 15 Oct 2009

                    Please don't comment and compare with SE's X3 when it's not even released yet!

                    Too many Damn SE fanboys complaining and whining!

                    Yes, SE's X3 android phone looks nice in promo info but it has been delayed until Q1 2010, if not longer! SE IS going to have a problem with an OVERPRICED (Yes, everyone knows SE phones are Friggin' expensive (i.e. Overpriced!) android phone that's coming so late into the market.

                    Keep the comments until the X3 is released!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • SjT
                      • 15 Oct 2009

                      I don't understand the reason for all Android didn't have VideoCalls. Please, wake up them ...

                        • R
                        • Roy
                        • qLx
                        • 15 Oct 2009

                        If you know Acer, you know they are famous in giving a powerful phone less memory than necessary. They have no clue in this phone business.

                          • B
                          • BobM
                          • vxn
                          • 15 Oct 2009

                          Versed, 15 Oct 2009The N900 doesn't have a touch capacitive screen, which just... moreWell to each his own, me I prefer a resistive screen over a capacitive one and intend to purchase a N900 when it becomes available and if reviews of it live up to the hype and if it had a capacitive screen would be much less likely to buy it if there were other options I liked as well. No matter what the marketing has convinced you of a capacitive screen isn't as a giant leap over resistive and is in some ways inferior.

                            • B
                            • BobM
                            • vxn
                            • 15 Oct 2009

                            Anonymous, 15 Oct 2009really? thats nice... why are you telling us this? i ha... moreLOL

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • ijD
                              • 15 Oct 2009

                              vinci24, 15 Oct 2009Read this on engadget the other day.really?
                              thats nice...
                              why are you telling us this?
                              i had toast for breakfast but who really cares.

                                • k
                                • ki
                                • 4Zn
                                • 15 Oct 2009

                                Anonymous, 14 Oct 2009plus SE X3 has Android 2.0 which has a much better multimed... morewhy are ppl comparing this to SE X3 when X3 doesn't even exist yet, or is confirmed to will have what rumor says. X2 hasn't even shipped.

                                "X3 will be better cuz it'll run Android 2" what kind of comparison is that?

                                  • E
                                  • EdB
                                  • 0cG
                                  • 15 Oct 2009

                                  Impressive, especially that CPU, but I need a hardware QWERTY like in the HTC Touch Pro 2 or Nokia N900 - easier to type, less chance of misfire, more visible screen.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • tDJ
                                    • 15 Oct 2009

                                    Maemo better than android

                                      • U
                                      • UWho
                                      • i$K
                                      • 15 Oct 2009

                                      gonna need a car battery and fan to run this thang.

                                        • v
                                        • vinci24
                                        • P@c
                                        • 15 Oct 2009

                                        Read this on engadget the other day.