Android 5.0 OTA update for YU Yureka roll-out begins
- p
- pradeep
- 04 May 2015
Bhavesh Chanchadia, 23 Apr 2015I have updated my YUREKA to Android 5.0, but after update p... moreAfter update to lollipop, my Phone not supporting OTG
- r
- raja
- 2SM
- 04 May 2015
abhi9, 04 May 2015i update android version 5.0 yu yureka then create issue, w... moreSame problem
- A
- Abhishek
- KA4
- 04 May 2015
i mobile heat for same time & restart with
pls help how to do
- ?
- Anonymous
- X{h
- 04 May 2015
Ashish, 01 May 2015After updating system my camera stop working. anybody pls help.try factory reboot it ill surlely be fixed
- a
- abhi9
- 7wx
- 04 May 2015
i update android version 5.0 yu yureka then create issue, when call is came ring ton is ring but coll is not show on screen and screen light is off.
please suggest me , what should i do
- A
- Affan
- 7t5
- 03 May 2015
AnonD-133488, 28 Apr 2015Charge ur phone with Samsung or Nokia charger . YU's own ch... moreDo not charge with any other charger.It may burn your battery you're getting what i'm saying ?
- a
- affan
- 7t5
- 03 May 2015
Lee, 30 Apr 2015Dear Friends,
Please let me know how to change APP Drawer... moreit doesn't change
- A
- Affan
- 7t5
- 03 May 2015
Anonymous, 01 May 2015can i buy this one... If i keep it in kitkat there wont be ... moreSome apps are not working i.e., Facebook Messenger,Vault.etc how can i fix dis ?
- A
- Affan
- 7t5
- 03 May 2015
Ashish, 01 May 2015After updating system my camera stop working. anybody pls help.Go to menu,Tap and hold camera app go to app info and clear data dats it!
- A
- Abhidnya Charya
- sUU
- 02 May 2015
AnonD-391117, 30 Apr 2015For Blank Screen Between Call issue..
1. Open DialPad on... moreThank you!
This worked.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Hkt
- 02 May 2015
Anonymous, 01 May 2015can i buy this one... If i keep it in kitkat there wont be ... moreIt will be good if u keep kitkat in YU yureka because there's nothing new in cyanogen 12 . phone is awesome u can buy it without thinking once but keep kitkat till they release new update for YU yureka
- p
- pavan reddy
- ttY
- 01 May 2015
lollipop5.0 in yu yurekha phone sucks my google play music is not working and icant send any whatsapp videos from gallery please help me in fixing this problem please
- ?
- Anonymous
- 7wA
- 01 May 2015
AnonD-133488, 22 Apr 2015For any prblm related to yureka kindly reply on my comment ... morecan i buy this one... If i keep it in kitkat there wont be any problem right.
- S
- Sidhant
- vI7
- 01 May 2015
AnonD-391117, 30 Apr 2015For Blank Screen Between Call issue.. 1. Open DialPad on... moreThanks a really works......awesome
- A
- Ashish
- fH9
- 01 May 2015
After updating system my camera stop working. anybody pls help.
- d
- dinesh
- uu%
- 30 Apr 2015
after lolipop - camera not working ,
it crash when make on -any solution
- L
- Lee
- vQ$
- 30 Apr 2015
Dear Friends,
Please let me know how to change APP Drawer screen colour (White to Black)
- D
- AnonD-391117
- u1y
- 30 Apr 2015
kunal, 28 Apr 2015After updating to YU Yureka phone lags more I c... moreFor lag Issue
1. Install Clean Master From Play Store & Clean All Junk.
2. Restart Phone & You are done.
- D
- AnonD-391117
- u1y
- 30 Apr 2015
naveen, 29 Apr 2015yes i am also having the same problem ,,i cant pick up the ... moreFor Blank Screen Between Call issue..
1. Open DialPad on your device
2. Dial *#*#7769#*#*
3. In Proximity Calibrate menu , tap on Start
4. Now Wait for few seconds till it shows Calibration Good
5. Tap Exit and You are done.
- v
- vee
- 7t%
- 30 Apr 2015
Bayya plz tell me how to uninstall lollipop version my mobile not working properly......